Asleifar is a large whaling village on the coast of the Arcadian Ocean in the Thanelands of the Lands of the Linnorm Kings.12
Asleifar is a sprawl of rough-living coastal docks dotted with flophouses, brothels, and taverns for its whalers, with whale meat a plentiful staple food for residents. Pungent whale-processing houses support its industry; whale blubber is boiled to oil, bones are cleaned and dried, and other parts of the carcass are harvested for valuables such as ambergris, baleen, and spermaceti.
The village's whalers sail the Arcadian Ocean in longships from which they hunt whale pods—typically right and bowhead whales, and sperm whales among larger vessels. Whalers then harpoon their prey and tow the prized carcasses back to their home for processing. They avoid hunting certain heavier whales, such as blue and humpback whales, which sink when killed and become unharvestable.2
Narwhal threats
Around 4711 AR, rumors began to spread of a dark gray-colored narwhal capsizing whaling ships that stray deeper into the Arcadian Ocean. Ships soon thereafter began returning to port with large gouges in their hulls, and their crews reinforced those rumors with accounts of the narwhal's aggression. These stories seem limited to Asleifar, as other whalers of the Linnorm Kingdoms have had no such encounters.3
- â Lands of the Linnorm Kings, inside front cover. Paizo Inc., 2011 .
- â 2.0 2.1 âThe Linnorm Kingdomsâ in Lands of the Linnorm Kings, 30–31. Paizo Inc., 2011 .
- â âThe Linnorm Kingdomsâ in Lands of the Linnorm Kings, 31. Paizo Inc., 2011 .