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Small town
1,665 dromaars, 83 humans, 32 dwarves
Council (council of three)
3 councillors
Source: Bastards of Golarion, pg(s). 14-15

The town of Averaka is located on the southeastern coast of the island of Flintyreach in the Linnorm Kingdom of the Ironbound Islands and is predominantly populated by dromaars.2

History and culture

The remote island of Flintyreach was long considered too dangerous and barren to be worth settling. A small group of dromaars decided to settle in the island and they managed to establish the now flourishing town of Averaka. They have granted the right to accept any dromaar to settle there, making the Averaka the largest dromaar settlement in the Inner Sea.

The town is a haven of the dromaar culture. Most residents are occupied in fishing and raiding while the others work in a supporting industry as shipwrights, or sail-makers. There are also a few small farms around the town.3


Averaka is ruled by a council of three: Kalla Tusk-Breaker, Bravok, and Suota Iron-Tongue. Councilor Kalla leads the town guards, the groups that patrol the island's interior, and the raiding groups that help fund the town. Councilor Bravok is a cleric of Desna and often travels to other Linnorm Kingdoms, Varisia and beyond, spreading the word of Averaka among the dromaars to recruit more settlers. Suota Iron-Tongue is the official keeper of the town's lore, mentor of the local artists, and moderator of the yearly meeting of Orcmoot.3


The greatest threat to Averaka comes from the hill giants, ettins and trolls who live in the mountains of the island's interior. The giants are organized in independent clans or under the sway of the hill giant war chief Gorgnak. The dromaars of Averaka fiercely battle the giants and welcome anyone who shares their hatred of them. Averaka's giant slayers have dedicated themselves to the eradication of their monstrous neighbors.4


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  1. ↑ John Compton & Linda Zayas-Palmer. The Ironbound Schism. Paizo Inc., 2015
  2. ↑ Matthew Goodall, et al. “The Linnorm Kingdoms” in Lands of the Linnorm Kings, 23. Paizo Inc., 2011
  3. ↑ 3.0 3.1 Judy Bauer, et al. “Averaka” in Bastards of Golarion, 14. Paizo Inc., 2014
  4. ↑ John Compton, et al. “NPCs” in Inner Sea NPC Codex, 10. Paizo Inc., 2013