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A panoramic view of Aelyosos.


City of Tides
Large city
11,660 humans, 2,424 merfolk, 516 geniekin (sylphs and undines), 146 cyclopes, 122 fey, 332 other
Mythic oligarchy
Source: Distant Shores, pg(s). 4–13

Aelyosos is the westernmost city of note in the archipelago of Iblydos in the Obari Ocean. It serves as the gateway to Iblydan culture and hospitality to most travelers on the Obari Crossing, and due to its many gardens and the tireless work of its citizens, is an overall peaceful place to rest and conduct trade.1


The first hero-gods empowered through cyclopean mysticism were the sisters Aelyake and Diaphorea, who became hero-gods through myth-speaking during the Age of Destiny. Diaphorea founded the city of Liachora and ruled the land, while Aelyake cleared the wilderness and prepared the lands for the founding of a new city foretold by the cyclopean seers.

During her travels, Aelyake encountered the immortal hydra Syggasis, and the two engaged in mortal combat. Aelyake cut off each of Syggasis' heads to defeat the creature and proclaimed that a new city would be founded on the site of the battle, fulfilling the prophecy.

After one of Aelyake's followers pointed out the site's lack of drinkable water, the hero-god said, "Then we shall slake our thirst with the blood of the hydra." She then lifted her hands, which caused the site of each of the hydra's eight fallen heads to erupt with freshwater springs. Ever since, those eight springs have served as the eight major fountains of Aelyosos, which was named in her honor.2


Aelyosos is the inheritor-capital city of Pol-Liachora, filling the role since the destruction of its sister city and former capital Liachora by the thalassic behemoth Ousmariku during the dawn of the Age of Lost Omens.3 Both are ruled by the absolute authority of the hero-gods Psomeira and Kelksiomides, who are advised on matters by Chief Myth-Speaker Phimater and the oceanid aristocrat Sjoweir, as well as by a non-binding council of local representatives.2


Aelyosos's location in the Obari Crossing allows it to be the major port city of the nation of Iblydos. When parts of the city are submerged, local merfolk are able to safely travel inland to trade with the locals and tourists. This also allows the city to be known as a hub for gathering food and equipment that adventurers would need for any underwater excursions.4

Ousmariku consumes an annual tribute from Aelyosos,25 which is thrown by its people into the sea, in exchange for not assaulting the city.2


See also: Category:Aelyosos/Cuisine

Most of the seafood Aelyosos is known for does not survive travel over land.4


Aelyosos is located on an inlet on the northwestern coast of Lalisri, an island in the western reaches of the Iblydan archipelago. It is built around a deep yet narrow harbor that is well-protected, but is threatened by daily flooding that began after the death of Aroden. This inundation floods the city's low-lying areas, which remain underwater except for two short periods, and has drastically reshaped Aelyosos' waterfront.6

Flooded areas

Most of Aelyosos' docks are built on floating platforms that rise and fall up to 15 feet during the day. During the flooding, Pantheon Hill at the heart of the city becomes a small island, accessible by boat and a pair of suspension bridges that cross over inundated neighborhoods from the east and west. This central island contains several ornate, marble structures, as well as the eclectic shrines of several of the city's past hero-gods. The mansions of the wealthy in the Pearls district in the city's northwest, also become separated from the mainland during the flooding. Most of their owners refuse to abandon their homes, even though much of their property is underwater for most of the day. At night, bioluminescent plankton is carried in by the tides, causing the coastline to shimmer in a beautiful display of color.6

Dry areas

The terraced, rocky hills on the city's northern slopes are high enough to avoid the daily flooding, and contain plentiful fruit orchards but few buildings. A rocky promontory called Seer Heights hems in the city to the southwest, atop which stand the multi-columned temples of the cyclopes. The bulk of the city rests between these two heights, decorated with bountiful gardens and parks that its citizens keep green year-round. The mica-rich stucco covering most of the city's utilitarian buildings causes them to glisten in the sunlight. The city has a wide range of architectural styles due to the preferences of its many past rulers. Lately, the government has imposed a more uniform style that can accommodate the many refugees that have emigrated to Aelyosos in the last century, but it remains a point of pride for many home owners to have at least one room in which a visiting cyclops could comfortably fit.6


See also: Category:Aelyosos/Inhabitants

Aelyosos' citizens are remarkably well-educated and cosmopolitan, thanks to millennia of tutelage under the cyclopes and the constant stream of foreign ideas brought in by the ocean trade.1 The city also contains a dwindling population of cyclopes who reside in the temples built on the city's southwestern promontory.7


For additional as-yet unincorporated sources about this subject, see the Meta page.

  1. 1.0 1.1 John Compton, et al. Aelyosos” in Distant Shores, 4. Paizo Inc., 2015
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 John Compton, et al. Aelyosos” in Distant Shores, 8. Paizo Inc., 2015
  3. John Compton, et al. Aelyosos” in Distant Shores, 5–8. Paizo Inc., 2015
  4. 4.0 4.1 John Compton, et al. Aelyosos” in Merchant's Manifest, 6. Paizo Inc., 2018
  5. Saif Ansari, et al. Iblydos” in Heroes of Golarion, 14. Paizo Inc., 2019
  6. 6.0 6.1 6.2 John Compton, et al. Aelyosos” in Distant Shores, 4–7. Paizo Inc., 2015
  7. John Compton, et al. Aelyosos” in Distant Shores, 5. Paizo Inc., 2015