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Harrowed Realm

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Harrowed Realm

Mildly Neutral
Small, ageless demiplane
Source: The Harrowing, pg(s). 3, 7 (1E)
The Destiny War, pg(s). 3ff. (2E)

The Harrowed Realm is a demiplane originally created from the Dreamlands by the Varisian bard Sonnorae. It has since been sealed off from all planes except the Universe, to which it is connected through the Deck of Harrowed Tales.12

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See the Meta page for additional sources.


Paizo set the Pathfinder Module The Harrowing and part of the Stolen Fate Pathfinder Adventure Path issue The Destiny War in the Harrowed Realm.

For additional as-yet unincorporated sources about this subject, see the Meta page.