Blackfire is a destructive metaphysical phenomenon that occurs where the planar substrate of reality is damaged or corrupted, weakening the separation of planes, particularly between the Universe and evil-aligned Outer Planes. Blackfire manifests as an ebony-hued flame, and its effects are varied but generally unstable to the fabric of existence, including:12
- Blackfire eruptions: Explosive vortex emissions of blackfire that destroy the metaphysical bonds of matter to existence.1
- Breaching: Injections of magical energy where magic should not exist, such as within fields of anti-magic or locations where magic does or should not exist. This can include summoning creatures across planes even when magical forces would otherwise prevent it, or teleporting creatures to evil-aligned Outer Planes.1
- Tainting: The weakening of bonds between a being or object and reality.1
Blackfire Adepts
Taking their name from this phenomenon, the Blackfire Adepts are a group of loosely associated planar explorers, mystics, and demonologists.34 They journey through the many planes of the Great Beyond in an effort to acquire dark powers from otherworldly entities, with an alleged goal of unraveling the multiverse itself.56 They are generally opposed by the Riftwardens, an order dedicated to preserving planar boundaries and order,7 and the Concordance of Elements, who attempt to repair the damages they cause.
- â 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 Paths of Prestige, 12. Paizo Inc., 2012 .
- â âPlanar Travelersâ in Plane-Hopper's Handbook, 4. Paizo Inc., 2018 .
- â âChapter 5: The Worldâ in Campaign Setting, 198. Paizo Inc., 2008 .
- â âTechnologyâ in The Inner Sea World Guide, 260. Paizo Inc., 2011 .
- â âOrganized Evilâ in Champions of Corruption, 15. Paizo Inc., 2014 .
- â âMonster Summoners on Golarionâ in Monster Summoner's Handbook, 10. Paizo Inc., 2015 .
- â âChapter 5: The Worldâ in Campaign Setting, 199. Paizo Inc., 2008 .