
From PathfinderWiki

Source: Dark Archive, pg(s). 166–167
For other meanings of "Pact", please see Pact (disambiguation).

Pactbinders are individuals knowledgeable in bartering with supernatural entities to create metaphysical pacts with them.12 The magical discipline they engage in is known as pactbinding.2

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In the Great Beyond

The Traveling Academy of Cobyslarni offers studies in pactbinding, with specializations for forming pacts with different types of entities and a focus on honoring the pacts as written, if not as intended. The academy's professors also elevate the concept of the pact to an entity of its own, with its own goals that sometimes differ from those who agree to the pact, and the rare potential for one to manifest as a tangible entity and persist even after its participants have died.2


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  1. James Case, et al. Curses and Pacts” in Dark Archive, 166. Paizo Inc., 2022
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 Joshua Birdsong, et al. Pactbinder Feats” in Rival Academies, 46. Paizo Inc., 2025