Paris Crenshaw

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Paris Crenshaw

Lynchburg, VA
Freelance Contributor

Paris Crenshaw was born and raised in Virginia, spending most of his younger years in central Virginia, before attending Virginia Tech in Blacksburg. His first exposure to gaming was in the early '80s with things like D&D (BECMI), "Top Secret", "Boot Hill" and "Star Frontiers." Later, in high school, he came across the game "Phantasia", created by Margaret Weis and Tracy Hickman. Shortly thereafter, he rediscovered D&D with the 2nd Edition of the Advanced Dungeons & Dragons rules. He played AD&D through high school and into college, but explored many other game systems while pursuing his Bachelor of Science degree in Ocean Engineering from VA Tech. He also received his first publication credits in the "Earthdawn Journal," playtested the "Deadlands" RPG rules in a gaming group with Shane Lacey Hensley, and ran demonstrated scenarios at GenCon for Charles Ryan and his game, "Millenium's End."

After receiving his commission in the U.S. Navy, Paris moved to Japan and slipped away from gaming for a few years until the release of D&D 3rd Edition. He resumed playing with the new rules and eventually transitioned to the Pathfinder system after Paizo began the "Pathfinder Adventure Path" series to replace his subscriptions to Dragon and Dungeon magazines. He began writing published material and doing editing work for the Wayfinder fanzine and now serves as its assistant editor-in-chief. He has edited for and contributed to a small number of third-party publishers.

Paris lives with his family in San Diego, CA, where he is still serving in the Navy while continuing to pursue his freelance work, preparing for retirement from service, and the commencement of a second career. He has yet to figure out what he wants to do when he grows up, but he's sure that he wants to continue writing.

Pathfinder credits

Adventure credits

Title Date Notes
Vengeance at Sundered Crag 1407 July 2014 PFS 1e #05-25
Bestiary 87"Bestiary" #87 1410 October 2014 The Choking Tower, 82.
Bestiary 103"Bestiary" #103 1602 February 2016 The Hellfire Compact, 80.
Bestiary 107"Bestiary" #107 1606 June 2016 Scourge of the Godclaw, 80.
Bestiary 117"Bestiary" #117 1704 April 2017 Assault on Longshadow, 78.
Bestiary 118"Bestiary" #118 1705 May 2017 Siege of Stone, 80.
Bestiary 119"Bestiary" #119 1706 June 2017 Prisoners of the Blight, 80.
Bestiary 120"Bestiary" #120 1707 July 2017 Vault of the Onyx Citadel, 82.
See also: Category:Works by Paris Crenshaw

Sourcebook credits

Title Date Notes
Faiths and PhilosophiesFaiths & Philosophies 1308 August 2013
Inner Sea NPC Codex 1312 December 2013
Champions of Corruption 1409 September 2014
Ships of the Inner Sea 1410 October 2014
Melee Tactics Toolbox 1503 March 2015
Inner Sea Monster Codex 1506 June 2015
Occult Bestiary 1509 September 2015
Planes of Power 1609 September 2016
Villain Codex 1611 November 2016
Bestiary 6 1704 April 2017
Planar Adventures 1806 June 2018
Bestiary 1910 October 2019
Gamemastery Guide 2002 February 2020
Bestiary 2 2005 May 2020
Advanced Player's Guide 2007 July 2020
Bestiary 3 2103 March 2021
Monster Core 2403 March 2024
Player Core 2 2408 August 2024
NPC Core 2503 March 2025
See also: Category:Works by Paris Crenshaw