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Large city
10,176 humans, 212 halflings, 112 elves, 100 other
Source: Andoran, Birthplace of Freedom, pg(s). 15–16
This article is about the Andoren city. For the sparkling wine commonly called "Carpenden" after Carpenden Hill, see bubble wine.

Carpenden (sometimes spelled Carpendren2) is the most influential city in the Carpenden region of Andoran. Located on the north-central Carpenden Plains, it is surrounded by rolling hills that lend themselves to the creation of numerous plantations and orchards.34


The city of Carpenden is located in central Andoran on the northern Carpenden Plains (from which the city gets its name), west of the Verduran Forest.35

City layout

Carpenden consists of seven fiercely independent neighborhoods located on several different, oddly shaped hills, whose inhabitants believe that their neighborhood is the city's founding settlement, and that the other six were built as the city grew.1 The neighborhoods (in alphabetical order) are: Arensfell, Beacon, Carpenden Hill, Colline, Ranette Hill, Tildencrest, and Westhill (see below).5 Narrow cobblestone streets wind their way amid long buildings made of rosy brick and dark wood. The highest stories sometimes lean against each other, making rooftops a thrilling playground for the children. Each hill boasts a number of identical public buildings, and one set gets used during any given year. The winning hill is determined by the result of the food battle in the moonmelon festival's final day.1


Arensfell is a largely residential neighborhood in the southeastern part of the city. It borders Colline and Carpenden Hill to the northeast, Beacon to the north, and Tildencrest to the west, and is connected to Colline via a bridge. Arensfell specializes in the curing of locally grown olives, a process that requires significant amounts of salt brought in via caravans from the south. These caravans are overseen by Eya Mannos, who is always in need of mercenary guards.5


Beacon is the centermost of Carpenden's seven hill neighborhoods. It is taller than the hills to the west of it, allowing its residents to look down on their neighbors there. The north slopes of Beacon are covered in trellises growing moonmelons, a pale fruit that ferments days after being picked. At the end of the summer harvest, Carpendeners wheel cartloads of moonmelons into the street to be used in a city-wide food fight. At its conclusion, the local Consul Marshal picks the winner, and transfers his headquarters to that neighborhood, a source of much local pride.6

Carpenden Hill

Carpenden Hill is the largest and most easterly of Carpenden's hill-neighborhoods. The entire eastern face of the hill is covered in stone-columned pergolas and orchards, where grapes and olives are cultivated. Most of the people who work tending these plants live in poorer parts of town such as West Hill. Narrow, cobblestone streets divide dangerously tilting row houses built of rose-colored brick at the top of the hill, homes of the neighborhood's largely well-to-do inhabitants. The center of the hill contains a large courtyard for hosting public events, Moot Hall, public gardens, and the magistrate's residence that is reserved for whomever currently holds the position.6

The sparkling wine known as bubble wine was first produced near Carpenden Hill before the Andoren revolution, during which its vineyards were lost. Original bottles now known in vintage simply as "Carpenden" after the hill are nearly priceless.7


Colline is located just south, and a bit east, of Carpenden Hill in the southeastern corner of the city. It is connected via bridges to the Carpenden Hill and Arensfell neighborhoods. The southern face of the hill receives plentiful sunlight and is covered in olive orchards. Its farmers allow the olives to fully ripen before sending them to Arensfell to be cured. The neighborhood and its magistrate, Ranai Cimbar, host an annual merchant's council in the hopes of eventually forming a city-wide trading company that will strengthen Carpenden's economic power.5

Ranette Hill

Ranette Hill is the north-central neighborhood that is home to many well-known vineyards that produce a fine array of wines. It is also known for his soothsayers, most notably a recovered leper named Joniah Kruse. It is connected via bridges to the Westhill, Tildencrest, Beacon, and Carpenden Hill neighborhoods.5


Tildencrest is the southwestern-most of Carpenden's neighborhoods, and borders Westhill to the north, Beacon to the northeast, and Arensfell to the east. It is home to a large woodworking industry that produces furniture, art objects, and farming tools used by the vineyards and orchards throughout the city. Because Carpenden is located far from any forests, the woodworkers here must import most of their lumber, and are always looking to hire residents of other neighborhoods to help protect the trade caravans that bring in their supplies.5


The Westhill neighborhood is located in the northwestern corner of Carpenden, bordered by Ranette Hill to the east and Tildencrest to the south. Its hill receives the least amount of sunlight, making it unsuitable to agriculture. The residents therefore focus on raising animals, predominantly sheep, chickens, and goats, which are raised for milk, eggs, and wool that is spun into thread. Westhill is also the poorest neighborhood in the city, and its residents have a reputation for being skilled and tough fighters.5


Carpenden evolved from seven different neighboring villages that fused into a single settlement as they grew. This divided origin was the source of much of the city's strife in the past, as each of the original neighborhoods has its own customs and flavors. Feuds, street fights, and even riots were common place until the government stationed soldiers here to reign in the most flagrant violators of the peace. These troops were stationed in barracks located between the hills and supported by armories.5

The government of the time quickly realized that Carpenden was an ideal place to house the nation's troops, as the neighboring countryside was fertile and could easily accommodate the many extra hungry mouths. As the city grew, it became the region's largest military station. Even though tensions between the neighborhoods have recently calmed down, people still predominantly identify with the part of the city they were born in.5

Alivanta Torgraso serves as the town's sage and historian.58


As of 4715 AR, the city is governed by Mayor Deliah Grange.5


Carpenden is the home of a third of Andoran's army, as well as the city's Consul Marshal, Jorab Mire.2


The economy of Carpenden centers primarily on agricultural production: the region is known for both its grapes and olives. Carpenden also produces various crafted wooden goods for trade, an industry that continues to grow.3


Paizo published major sections on Carpenden in Andoran, Spirit of Liberty and Andoran, Birthplace of Freedom, including a city map in Birthplace of Freedom.

  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 Jonathan H. Keith, et al. “Cities of Andoran: Liberty's Foundation” in Andoran, Spirit of Liberty, 18. Paizo Inc., 2010
  2. 2.0 2.1 Jonathan H. Keith, et al. “Cities of Andoran: Liberty's Foundation” in Andoran, Spirit of Liberty, 19. Paizo Inc., 2010
  3. 3.0 3.1 3.2 Erik Mona, et al. “Chapter 2: The Inner Sea” in Campaign Setting, 60–63. Paizo Inc., 2008
  4. James Jacobs, et al. Andoran” in The Inner Sea World Guide, 45. Paizo Inc., 2011
  5. 5.00 5.01 5.02 5.03 5.04 5.05 5.06 5.07 5.08 5.09 5.10 Tim Hitchcock & Jason Nelson. “Gazetteer” in Andoran, Birthplace of Freedom, 15–16. Paizo Inc., 2015
  6. 6.0 6.1 Tim Hitchcock & Jason Nelson. “Gazetteer” in Andoran, Birthplace of Freedom, 15. Paizo Inc., 2015
  7. Rigby Bendele, et al. “Cuisine” in Travel Guide, 39. Paizo Inc., 2022
  8. Jonathan H. Keith, et al. Andoran: Birthplace of Freedom” in Andoran, Spirit of Liberty, 10. Paizo Inc., 2010