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Our Lady in Pain
Our Lady of Pain
Sadistic Angel
She Who Betrays Her Own
Areas of Concern
Kytons and kyton-summoning diabolists, merciless torturers, sadists
Push the boundaries of science and suffering, torture other creatures
Show or act on emotion, allow a plea for mercy to sway you
Follower Alignments (1E)
Domains (1E)
Destruction, Evil, Law, Repose
Subdomains (1E)
Catastrophe, Devil, Rage, Souls
Follower Alignments (2E)
Domains (2E)
Creation, pain, repose, sorrow
Favored Weapon
Halo of tears
Sacred Animal
Sacred Colors
Gray, red
Source: Inner Sea Gods, pg(s). 328–329 (1E)
Gods & Magic, pg(s). 75, 132–133 (2E)

The Queen of the Night Doloras is a former angel who joined Asmodeus's revolt aeons ago and fled with him to Hell. She made a deal with the archdevil Mephistopheles and now holds an honored position in Caina where she preaches the abandonment of emotion for an unfeeling indifference.12 Her religious symbol is a necklace or tiara adorned with blue and red tear-shaped jewels.3


Still possessing a debased beauty, Doloras' skin seems to be made of iron, with eyes as black as anthracite, and razor-sharp fingers. Her angelic wings are interlaced with needles and a crown of tears adorns her hairless head.1


When she was still a planetar angel, Doloras once served as a general under Erastil, and was tasked with defending Heaven from a demonic incursion of the Summerlands. When the demons took her brothers captive, Doloras followed them into the Outer Rifts alone. Once she found a group of demons she thought responsible, Doloras chained them up and tortured them for 66 days for her brothers' whereabouts.2

Doloras quickly lost any moral concerns about her deeds and became inured to the screams and pleas of the tortured demons. She enjoyed the torture so much that she continued even after having learnt that these demons did not kidnap her brothers. Three angels of Heaven found her and informed her that her brothers were now safe; Doloras murdered all of them, enjoying the feeling of cutting them down and telling herself that they were disguised fiends.2

The demons succumbed to Doloras' tortures shortly after the third angel was murdered. She discovered that her body had changed, and when she came back to Heaven, she found herself persona non grata. She realised that she no longer cared about her brothers, who never learnt the truth about her fate.2

Still finding chaos inimical, Doloras chose to seek her new home in Hell, where she found the chained velstracs and freed them. She was eventually offered a home in Caina by its lord, Mephistopheles.42


Doloras is an ally of Mephistopheles, who gave her a spire of her choice in Caina and all she needed to outfit it; in return Doloras tortures specific souls at Mephistopheles' demand.52

Doloras was willing to ally with the other Queens of the Night when Eiseth gathered them; she wished to torture whichever captives she wanted, and the others happily accepted. Doloras trades science and suffering with Mahathallah for mysteries of nature and the cosmos in a distant, but mutually beneficial, relationship.26

While all velstracs owe her a debt for freeing them from Hell and allowing them to escape to the Netherworld, Doloras has an especially deep relationship with the velstrac demagogue Inkariax. He built his divine realm in a place where he felt an empathic link with Doloras, who shortly after visited his realm and gifted him with frozen tears from her crown before wordlessly departing. Inkariax named his realm Frozen Tears after this gift, builds it in her honour, and seeks to earn her favour. Their followers closely cooperate with each other; it is unknown if Doloras wants to test Inkariax, destroy him, or take her time to ally with him.7

Doloras has three brothers, all solar angels. Though they mourn her, they are skeptical that she is truly dead. Doloras is completely apathetic towards them.2


For additional as-yet unincorporated sources about this subject, see the Meta page.

  1. 1.0 1.1 F. Wesley Schneider. “Devilkind” in Princes of Darkness, Book of the Damned Volume 1, 32. Paizo Inc., 2009
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 2.7 Paizo Inc., et al. “Chapter 1: Fiendish Divinities” in Book of the Damned, 47. Paizo Inc., 2017
  3. F. Wesley Schneider. Princes of Darkness, Book of the Damned Volume 1, inside front cover. Paizo Inc., 2009
  4. Amber E. Scott. “Fallen Celestials” in Chronicle of the Righteous, 55. Paizo Inc., 2013
  5. F. Wesley Schneider. Mephistopheles, the Crimson Son” in Breaking the Bones of Hell, 75. Paizo Inc., 2016
  6. F. Wesley Schneider. Mahathallah, Dowager of Illusions” in Dance of the Damned, 74. Paizo Inc., 2015
  7. John Compton & Amanda Hamon. “Bestiary” in The City Outside of Time, 87. Paizo Inc., 2018

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