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Prince of Steel
Areas of Concern
Metal crafting
Conquer the weak, devise plans ahead of anticipated battles, only bring well-maintained weapons to fights
Engage in violent infighting, claim anyone but Zursvaater gives you your strength, disrespect a skilled smith
Follower Alignments (1E)
Domains (1E)
Evil, Fire, Law, Trickery, War
Subdomains (1E)
Ash, Blood, Slavery, Tyranny
Sanctification (2E)
Can choose unholy
Domains (2E)
Fire, trickery, tyranny, zeal
Favored Weapon
Helm with huge fangs
Sacred Animal
Sacred Colors
Black, orange
Source: Anvil of Fire, pg(s). 62–63 (1E)
Divine Mysteries, pg(s). 205, 312–313 (2E)
Also detailed in Inner Sea Gods 188–189. Alignment details are sourced from Anvil of Fire and Inner Sea Gods. In Anvil of Fire, Zursvaater's portfolio contained slavery and weapons instead of metal crafting and tactics.

Zursvaater is proclaimed the father and patron of the fire giants, having created them millennia ago by granting them the secrets of fire and metal in exchange for their devotion.12 Fire giants call him the Prince of Steel. He is a secretive deity who instructed his followers to abandon inter-tribal warfare and instead attack other races.13


According to fire giant folklore, over 10,000 years ago,2 Zursvaater came into being when, as the greatest volcano42 on Golarion—then called the Molten Summit,2—he sensed the presence of a stone giant clan climbing him and formed a humanoid shape from the mountain range of volcanic rocks and ash to speak to them. He offered them the secrets of metal and volcanic fire in exchange for their worship and souls, and they accepted, being then consumed by Zursvaater and spat out as the first fire giants.452


Zursvaater is depicted as a mighty, armored fire giant with a closed-face helmet, wielding a heavy chain in one hand62 and his red-hot adamantine greatsword, Blood of the Mountains, in the other.2


Zursvaater originally lived in Jotungard, the shared divine realm of all giant demigods, on Elysium. After being exiled, he arrived in Hell and became fond of volcanic Malebolge. After an age of conflict with Malebolge's ruling archdevil Moloch, Zursvaater was awarded Hyrrfellhame by Asmodeus; it is an immense cavern with three active volcanoes on the edge of Malebolge, given as both a punishment for Moloch and a way to gain Zursvaater's grudging thanks.74

Church of Zursvaater

Zursvaater vehemently dislikes bloody infighting between fire giant clans, instead insisting they focus on raiding others for additional war effort supplies.528 He urges worshipers to conquer those weaker then them, to always enter any upcoming battle with a plan, and to maintain battle-ready weapons. His followers should not disrespect any skilled smith, nor say their power comes from anyone else but Zursvaater.28

His clerics often tattoo themselves with his religious symbol—a helm with huge fangs—etched in gold or copper.2


Zursvaater concerns himself more with mortal events then interactions with other deities and divine creatures.2

Zursvaater despises the patron of frost giants, Thremyr, due to the opposition of their elements as well as Thremyr's raging fits and bloody style of warfare, which he considers disgusting4 and lacking in tactics.2 He similarly found Gorum's warlike disposition pointless.4 He considers Minderhal a pale imitation of himself,24 much as Minderhal's stone giants are merely components of his own fire giants.4 Zursvaater considers Torag's dwarven followers persistent pests,4 but grudgingly respects him as, and only as, a talented smith42 and encourages his followers to enslave dwarves.4


Paizo published a major article about Zursvaater in Anvil of Fire.

For additional as-yet unincorporated sources about this subject, see the Meta page.

  1. ↑ 1.0 1.1 Sean K Reynolds. “Other Gods” in Gods and Magic, 50. Paizo Inc., 2008
  2. ↑ 2.00 2.01 2.02 2.03 2.04 2.05 2.06 2.07 2.08 2.09 2.10 2.11 2.12 2.13 Misha Bushyager, et al. “Giant Gods” in Divine Mysteries, 205. Paizo Inc., 2024
  3. ↑ Sean K Reynolds, et al. Inner Sea Gods, 188. Paizo Inc., 2014
  4. ↑ 4.0 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5 4.6 4.7 4.8 4.9 Sean K Reynolds. “Zursvaater” in Anvil of Fire, 62–67. Paizo Inc., 2015
  5. ↑ 5.0 5.1 Sean K Reynolds, et al. Inner Sea Gods, 188–189. Paizo Inc., 2014
  6. ↑ Sean K Reynolds. “Other Gods” in Gods and Magic, 51. Paizo Inc., 2008
  7. ↑ Robert Brookes, et al. “Chapter 3: The Great Beyond” in Planar Adventures, 194. Paizo Inc., 2018
  8. ↑ 8.0 8.1 Misha Bushyager, et al. “Atheists and Free Agents” in Divine Mysteries, 312. Paizo Inc., 2024