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Pathfinder Quests

From PathfinderWiki
This article covers the line of short Pathfinder Roleplaying Game adventures. For the board game, see Pathfinder Quest.
See also: Pathfinder Bounty and Pathfinder One-Shot
Cover of Ambush in Absalom, the first Pathfinder Quest.

In 2011 Paizo began publishing Pathfinder Quests, a series of short Pathfinder Society Roleplaying Guild adventures designed to be played in about one hour that introduce new players to the organized play campaign. They continued publishing a new quest about once a year thereafter, expanding the format in 2014 with The Silverhex Chronicles to include four one-hour adventures that, when played by the same player character, are equivalent to a standard scenario. These quests are standalone adventures tied thematically to a season's metaplot but were not integrated into the scenario numbering system. The quests prior to 2017 were free downloads. From 2017 onward with the release of House of Harmonious Wisdom, quests were given a spot in each season's normal PSRPG publication order and were paid products, as normal for Society scenarios.

Starting with Pathfinder Second Edition in August 2019, Quests became a monthly release. At the Organized Play panel at PaizoCon in May 2020, the team announced the retirement of the Pathfinder Quests line and the start of the Pathfinder Bounty product line.1 In April 2023, Paizo switched back to publishing Pathfinder Society Quests instead with Quests Series 2, repeatable adventures for levels 1–4 in a slightly longer 2-to-3-hour format, beginning with The Swordlord's Challenge.2

Pathfinder Quests

PFS# Title Tier Tags Location Country Author(s)
1eS3 Q1 Ambush in Absalom 1–5 Absalom Absalom Mark MorelandMark Moreland
1eS4 Q2 Urge to EvolveThe Urge to Evolve 3–7 Magnimar Varisia Adam DaigleAdam Daigle
1eS6 Q3 Silverhex ChroniclesThe Silverhex Chronicles 1 River Kingdoms, Ustalav Various
1 Gralton River Kingdoms Scott SharplinScott Sharplin
1 Varno Ustalav Scott SharplinScott Sharplin
1 Allenstead Razmiran Walter SheppardWalter Sheppard
1 Numeria Walter SheppardWalter Sheppard
1 Daggermark River Kingdoms Josh FosterJosh Foster
1 Daggermark River Kingdoms Josh FosterJosh Foster
1eS6 Q4 Fane of Fangs 5 Fangwood Nirmathas Nathan KingNathan King
1eS7 Q5 Phantom Phenomena 1 Repeatable Ustalav Various
Dunhob Ustalav Cole KronewitterCole Kronewitter
Ustalav Cole KronewitterCole Kronewitter
Ustalav Nicholas MilasichNicholas Milasich
Ustalav Nicholas MilasichNicholas Milasich
Ustalav Brian DuckwitzBrian Duckwitz
Diremark Ustalav Brian DuckwitzBrian Duckwitz
1eS8 Q6 Honor's Echo 1 Repeatable Taldor, Qadira Various
Verduran Forest Taldor Landon WinklerLandon Winkler
Oppara Taldor Landon WinklerLandon Winkler
Omash Qadira Jenny JarzabskiJenny Jarzabski
Andoran Jenny JarzabskiJenny Jarzabski
World's Edge Mountains Taldor Eleanor FerronEleanor Ferron
Oppara Taldor Eleanor FerronEleanor Ferron
1eS8 Q7 House of Harmonious Wisdom 1–5 Successor States Tian Xia Various
Ashima Songbai3 Katherine CrossKatherine Cross
Xiwu Lingshen Sarah E. HoodSarah E. Hood
Changdo Po Li Christopher RoweChristopher Rowe
Changdo Po Li Jason Owen BlackJason Owen Black
Ashima, Gossamer Mountains Songbai3 Katherine CrossKatherine Cross
1eS9 Q8 Fallen Family, Broken Name 1–5 Various
Isger Scott D. YoungScott D. Young
Chitterwood Isger Kevin WillisKevin Willis
Valten Isger Kendra Leigh SpeedlingKendra Leigh Speedling
Umok Isger Louis Manko LeviteLouis Manko Levite
Chitterwood Isger Saif AnsariSaif Ansari
1eS10 Q9 What the Helms Hide 1–5 Various
Korvosa Varisia Lysle KappLysle Kapp
Arthfell Forest Andora Calder CaDavidCalder CaDavid
Highhelm Five Kings Mountains Nate WrightNate Wright
Grand Lodge Absalom Kendra Leigh SpeedlingKendra Leigh Speedling
2e Playtest Rose Street RevengeThe Rose Street Revenge 1 Absalom Absalom Various
Absalom Absalom Joe PasiniJoe Pasini
Absalom Absalom Thurston HillmanThurston Hillman
Absalom Absalom Linda Zayas-PalmerLinda Zayas-Palmer
Absalom Absalom Leo GlassLeo Glass
2eS1 Q1 Sandstone SecretThe Sandstone Secret 1–4 Repeatable Osirion Linda Zayas-PalmerLinda Zayas-Palmer
Q2 Unforgiving Fire 1–4 Jalmeray Leo GlassLeo Glass
Q3 Grehunde's Gorget 1–4 Kalsgard Lands of the Linnorm Kings Kate BakerKate Baker
Q4 Port Peril Pub Crawl 1–4 Repeatable Port Peril Shackles James CaseJames Case
Q5 Dragon Who Stole Evoking DayThe Dragon Who Stole Evoking Day 3–6 Sothis Osirion Luis LozaLuis Loza
Q6 Archaeology in Aspenthar 1–4 Aspenthar Thuvia Quinn MurphyQuinn Murphy
Q7 Curious ClaimA Curious Claim 3–6 Druma Dennis MuldoonDennis Muldoon
Q8 Shadows of the Black Sovereign 1–4 Starfall Numeria Alexandria BustionAlexandria Bustion
Q9 Wayfinder Origins 3–6 Repeatable Azlant Dustin KnightDustin Knight
Q10 Broken ScalesThe Broken Scales 1–4 Absalom Absalom Amber StewartAmber Stewart
Q11 Parchment TreeA Parchment Tree 1–4 Qadira Carlos CabreraCarlos Cabrera
Q12 Putrid Seeds 3–6 Geb Cass ReyfieldCass Reyfield, James Case
Q13 Falcon's Descent 1–4 Darklands Andoran, Isger Joshua HenningtonJoshua Hennington
2eS2 Q14 Swordlord's ChallengeThe Swordlord's Challenge 1–4 Repeatable Restov Brevoy Tineke BollemanTineke Bolleman
Q15 In the Footsteps of Horror 1–4 Repeatable Nether Citadel Isle of Kortos Shan WolfShan Wolf
Q16 Winter Queen's DollhouseThe Winter Queen's Dollhouse 1–4 Repeatable Grand Lodge Absalom Brite CheneyBrite Cheney
Q17 Escorting a Mirage 1–4 Repeatable Merab Glen ParnellGlen Parnell
Q18 Student Exchange 1–4 All ages
Magaambya Nantambu Jackson WoodJackson Wood
Q19 Elsewhere FeastThe Elsewhere Feast 1–4 Repeatable Jol Lands of the Linnorm Kings; First World Mark MalcolmMark Malcolm
Q20 Dacilane Academy's Show Must Go OnThe Dacilane Academy's Show Must Go On 1–4 All ages
Dacilane Academy Absalom Lucas ServideoLucas Servideo
Q21 Infernal Infiltration 1–4 Repeatable Kintargo Ravounel Shan WolfShan Wolf
Q22 Friends in Need 1–4 All ages
Tskikha Taldor Elizabeth V NoldElizabeth V Nold
Q23 Lacking Respect 1–4 Repeatable Irrisen Jay ScottJay Scott
Q24 Tanuki Trouble 1–4 All ages
Minkai Hiromi CotaHiromi Cota
Q25 The Greengold Dilemma 1–4 Repeatable Greengold Kyonin Glen ParnellGlen Parnell


  1. Linda Zayas-Palmer, et al. Organized Play Programs Reveal Year Information. Paizo blog, 2020
  2. Alex Speidel, et al. Adventure Spotlight: Short-Form Adventures. Paizo blog, 2023
  3. 3.0 3.1 Paizo referred to Songbai as Shokuro until the publication of Tian Xia World Guide, and also referred to its leader Shokuro Akatori as Shokuro Toriaka.