Template:Deities list
Selectable lists of deities
Parameter | Description | Type | Status | |
Selected list | 1 | List of deities to display
| String | required |
Template documentation (for the above template, sometimes hidden or invisible)
Subpages of this template:
{{Deities list}} is a list-of-lists containing all deities, divine entities, and religions in the Pathfinder campaign setting. It is designed to provide a single source of truth for lists used in pantheon and divine entity navboxes and sections on the Religion portal.
The template requires a single unnamed parameter that determines which list is returned:
{{Deities list|PARAMETER}} {{Deities list|1=PARAMETER}}
Replace PARAMETER with the value that corresponds with the desired list.
By worshiper
- couatl
- Couatl deities
- dragon
- Draconic pantheon
- dwarf, stones_blood
- Stone's Blood, formerly known as the dwarven pantheon
- dwarf_unknown
- Dwarven deities of unknown fate
- dwarf_all
- All dwarven deities
- elf, sovyrian_conclave
- Sovyrian Conclave, formerly known as the elven pantheon
- elf_unknown
- Elven deities of unknown fate
- elf_all
- All elven deities
- giant
- Consolidated list of deities from giant pantheons (Category:Giant pantheons)
- gnome
- Gnome deities; only Nivi Rhombodazzle, but listed in case of future expansion
- goblin
- All goblin deities including the goblin hero-gods
- goblin_creatorgods
- the four barghest deities previously labeled goblin hero-gods before Divine Mysteries
- goblin_herogods
- goblins who became hero-gods
- hag
- Hag deities
- halfling
- Halfling deities
- orc
- Orc pantheon
- orc_dead
- Dead orc deities
- orc_unknown
- Orc deities of unknown status; most of these were listed in past works but not in Triumph of the Tusk Player's Guide, which adds new orc deities who are suggested to have replaced old deities
- sekmin
- Serpentfolk deities
- tengu
- Tengu pantheon deities
By region
- core
- 20 core deities associated with the Inner Sea region; innersea produces the same list
- cosmiccaravan, cosmiccaravan_tien
- Cosmic Caravan pantheon deities of Varisia and Tian Xia
- cosmiccaravan_former
- Deities formerly in the Cosmic Caravan
- cosmiccaravan_all
- All former and current deities of the Cosmic Caravan
- mammoth
- Realm of the Mammoth Lords deities
- mwangi
- Mwangi Expanse deities
- juju
- Juju pantheon
- sandpoint
- Sandpoint pantheon
- sarkoris
- Sarkorian gods
- sarkoris_dead
- Dead Sarkorian gods
- taldor
- Taldan pantheon
- irongod
- Iron Gods of Numeria
- sungod, oldsungod
- Old Sun Gods of Mzali. When updating this list, also update {{Old Sun Gods navbox}}.
- arcadia
- Arcadian hero-gods, couatl deities, and other Arcadian pantheon deities; arcadia_all produces the same list
- arcadia_herogods
- Only Arcadian hero-gods
- azlant
- Azlanti pantheon deities
- casmaron
- Casmar pantheon
- vudra
- Vudran pantheon
- iblydos
- Gods of Iblydos, particularly Iblydan hero-gods
- iblydos_dead
- Dead Iblydan gods
- iblydos_unknown
- Iblydan hero-gods whose fates or existence are unknown
- iblydos_all_herogods
- All Iblydan hero-gods, regardless of fate
- ninshabur
- Ninshaburian deities; only Namzaruum, but listed in case of future expansion
- osirion
- Osirian pantheon
- taumata
- Taumata pantheon
- thassilon
- Thassilonian pantheon
- tianxia
- Tian Xia deities
By deity type
- ascended
- All ascended mortals; ascended_all produces the same list
- ascended_starstone
- Only mortals who ascended by passing the Test of the Starstone
- ascended_other
- Only mortals who ascended through means other than the Starstone
- Major daemons and powers of Abaddon
- riders_all
- All Apocalypse Riders, current and former; fourhorsemen_all produces the same list
- riders
- Only the current active Apocalypse Riders, with their plague in parentheses; fourhorsemen produces the same list
- riders_former
- Only former Apocalypse Riders, whether dead or demoted; fourhorsemen_former produces the same list
- harbinger
- Daemonic harbingers
- Major devils and powers of Hell
- archdevil
- Active Archdevils
- archdevil_former
- Former archdevils
- archdevil_all
- All active and former archdevils
- asurarana
- Asura ranas
- infernalduke
- Current Infernal dukes
- infernalduke_former
- Former Infernal dukes
- infernalduke_all
- All currenet and former Infernal dukes
- malebranche
- Malebranche
- queensofthenight
- Each Queen of the Night
- hell_other
- Uncategorized divine denizens of Hell
- Major demons and powers of the Outer Rifts
- demon
- All extant demon lords; demon_all produces the same list
- demon_major
- Major demon lords
- demon_minor
- Minor demon lords
- demon_nascent
- Nascent demon lords
- demon_balor
- Balor lords
- demon_dead
- Dead demon lords
- demon_legacy
- Demon lords considered legacy content due to the Pathfinder Second Edition Remaster Project
- qlippoth
- Active qlippoth lords of the Outer Rifts; qlippoth_current produces the same list
- qlippoth_all
- Active and former qlippoth lords, including those dead or ascended to demon lords
- qlippoth_former
- Only dead or ascended former qlippoth lords
- eldest
- Eldest of the First World
- elemental
- Elemental lords
- Empyreal lords
- empyreal_agathion
- Agathion empyreal lords
- empyreal_angel
- Angel empyreal lords
- empyreal_archon
- Archon empyreal lords
- empyreal_azata
- Azata empyreal lords
- empyreal_other
- Uncategorized empyreal lords; Shei Five Dawns and Magnimarian Mystery Cults
- empyreal_former
- Only former (fallen or ascended) empyreal lords
- empyreal_dead
- Only deceased empyreal lords
- empyreal_unknown
- Only empyreal lords whose fates are unknown
- empyreal_noncanon
- Empyreal lords mentioned only in a non-canon context. See Talk:Empyreal lord.
- talonsofthegodclaw, godclaw
- Talons of the Godclaw, formerly the Godclaw pantheon
- godclaw_former
- Deities formerly in the Talon of the Godclaw
- godclaw_all
- All current and former deities of the Talon of the Godclaw
- forsaken
- Forsaken of the Netherworld
- greatoldone
- Great Old Ones
- juju
- Juju pantheon
- manasaputra
- Manasaputra kumaras
- monitor
- Monitor demigods; only Monad, listed in case of future expansion
- arbitrator
- First arbitrators
- inevitable
- Current primordial inevitables of Axis; inevitable_current produces the same list
- inevitable_former
- Only former inevitables
- inevitable_all
- All current and former primordial inevitables
- protean
- Protean lords of the Maelstrom
- psychopomp
- Psychopomp ushers of the Boneyard
- irongod
- Iron Gods of Numeria
- sungod, oldsungod
- Old Sun Gods of Mzali. When updating this list, also update {{Old Sun Gods navbox}}.
- oni
- Oni daimyo
- outer
- Outer Gods
- rakshasa
- Rakshasa immortals
- sahkil
- Sahkil tormentors
- velstrac
- Velstrac demagogues
Other lists
- dead
- Currently dead deities. Resurrected, or otherwise previously dead but now living, deities might be categorized in Category:Dead deities but should not be listed here.
- fate_unknown
- Deities whose fates are unknown, either described as such in sources or due to canon ambiguity about their fate.
- minor
- Minor deities, ambiguously defined.
- nondeity
- Non-deific faiths, religions, or practices, such as atheism, Sangpotshi, and the Green Faith. While this list might overlap with {{Philosophies navbox}}, it should omit philosophies that are fundamentally secular in nature, such as communism.
- types
- Types of divine entities.
- 2e_pantheon
- Pantheons, as mechanically defined in Pathfinder Second Edition as a group of divine entities with a collectively shared set of deific mechanical properties. This list should not include pantheons that lack a pantheon statblock.
- 2e_covenant
- Covenants, as mechanically defined in Pathfinder Second Edition as a union of beings, locations, spirits, planes, or divine entities worshipped collectively as a single divine entity with the mechanical properties of a deity. Divine Mysteries defines covenants as being distinct from pantheons.
In a columnar list
{{Columns-list |colwidth=10em |{{Deities list|core}}}}
- results in
{{Navbox | title = The Apocalypse Riders | list1 = {{Deities list|fourhorsemen}} }}
- results in
In a portal content box
{{Content box | title = Deities and pantheons | content = The Pathfinder campaign setting hosts a large pantheon of deities. ; Inner Sea region {{Flatlist |style=font-size:0.9em; |{{Deities list|core}}}} }}
- results in