Cosmic Caravan

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Cosmic Caravan
Cosmic Caravan

Source: Occult Mysteries, pg(s). 36–37
Cosmic Caravan

Areas of Concern
Constellations, hope for a better tomorrow, fortune telling, the night
Stargazers, fortune tellers
Aid those who live in regions where Zon-Kuthon (or other religions that espouse the night as a bastion of evil) holds sway, help the desperate or forlorn see potential for a better life in the future; spend time stargazing or meditating in moonlight, travel with no destination in mind
Destroy astronomical or astrological equipment, portray the night as a time of evil, spend the night in the same place twice in a row (such as the same room in an inn or the same natural clearing)
Follower Alignments (2E)
Domains (2E)
Darkness, fate, freedom, moon
Alternate: Star, void
Favored Weapon
Wagon-shaped constellation
Source: Divine Mysteries, pg(s). 242
Alignment details are sourced from Abomination Vaults Player's Guide 5.

The Cosmic Caravan is a zodiac containing thirteen constellations that Varisians and astrologers use as a basis for their occult studies and predictions.123 It is also more recently worshiped, particularly in parts of western Avistan, as a pantheon of associated deities.45

The zodiac divides the night sky into 13 equal longitudinal sections that form a perceived band around the planet of Golarion and, from an astrologer's viewpoint on Golarion, the sun and other planets of the solar system align with each other and the thirteen constellations as time passes. These associations suggest portents that can be read in varying degrees of success by diviners, oracles and astrologers.67


Below are listed the thirteen signs of the Cosmic Caravan and their associated dates:2

The Thrush

As the first constellation of the year, the Thrush (18 Kuthona—20 Abadius) is seen as a herald of the other signs, welcoming them with open wings.2

The Lantern Bearer

The serpentine angel known as the Lantern Bearer (21 Abadius—16 Calistril) guides the other signs, protecting them from danger and monotony.2

The Newlyweds

The Newlyweds (17 Calistril—11 Pharast) are represented as an intertwined couple or scarves that slip away for privacy. They are symbols of devotion and new life.2

The Bridge

The constellation of the Bridge (12 Pharast—18 Gozran) carries the travelers of the Cosmic Caravan over danger and toward new adventure, and symbolizes the separation between the dark of winter and the light of spring.2

The Daughter

The Daughter (19 Gozran—13 Desnus) is a light-hearted dancer and the first to cross the Bridge into the warmth and sunshine of spring.2

The Rider

The Rider (14 Desnus—20 Sarenith) is the guardian of the Cosmic Caravan who watches over his companions mounted on his painted steed. He is seen as either a stern barbarian or a boisterous reveler.2

The Patriarch

Seen as the father of the Cosmic Caravan, the Patriarch (21 Sarenith—20 Erastus) guides the Wagon through danger.2

The Wagon

The Wagon (21 Erastus—10 Arodus) carries the other signs across the sky, and is seen as either a wheel with seven spokes or a seven-pointed star.28

The Pack

The beasts of the Pack follow the Wagon (11 Arodus—16 Rova) and are seen as either loyal hounds or scavenging wolves.2

The Mother

Seen as a cauldron over a warm fire, the Mother (17 Rova—30 Lamashan) provides comfort and sustenance against the coming chill of winter and is the spiritual heart of the Cosmic Caravan.2

The Stargazer

The Stargazer (31 Lamashan—20 Neth), sometimes written "Star Gazer", is thought of as either a fool or a prophet who watches the heavens, searching for lost treasures or new wonders.2

The Stranger

The Stranger (21 Neth—29 Neth) travels his own path that occasionally intersects with that of the Cosmic Caravan, and is depicted as a single staring eye.2

The Follower

The Follower (30 Neth—17 Kuthona) travels behind the Caravan and can only be seen on the darkest nights. He is a veiled figure that represents what awaits all at the end of our journeys: Death.2


The Cosmic Caravan is most strongly associated with Varisia, but theories also connect it to Azlanti and Lergeni astrology.3 In Lirgen, the government ran the country, and the people based their private lives, on astrological findings associated with the Cosmic Caravan.6


Certain psychics, called esoteric starseekers, use the constellations of the Cosmic Caravan as the source of their power; they read the constellations as other psychics read minds, and can gain access to certain spells that are associated with specific constellations.9

In religion

In recent history a growing faith worships a pantheon of deities associated with the Cosmic Caravan, particularly in regions of western Avistan such as Varisia, Nidal, and Ravounel. Particularly in Nidal, worship of the Cosmic Caravan as a pantheon is prominent among those opposed to the nation's Kuthite theocracy.45

Deities of the Cosmic Caravan pantheon include Ashava, Black Butterfly, Desna, Ketephys, Pulura, Sarenrae, Tsukiyo, and Yog-Sothoth.1045 Groetus was formerly a member of this pantheon, but his apocalyptic nature was incongruent with its outlook and he was replaced with Tsukiyo.105


For additional as-yet unincorporated sources about this subject, see the Meta page.

  1. James L. Sutter. “Into the Black” in Children of the Void, 52. Paizo Inc., 2008
  2. 2.00 2.01 2.02 2.03 2.04 2.05 2.06 2.07 2.08 2.09 2.10 2.11 2.12 2.13 2.14 James L. Sutter. “Chapter 1: The Solar System” in Distant Worlds, 50. Paizo Inc., 2012
  3. 3.0 3.1 Jason Bulmahn. “Esoteric Traditions” in Occult Mysteries, 36–37. Paizo Inc., 2014
  4. 4.0 4.1 4.2 Ron Lundeen & James Jacobs. Otari Gazetteer” in Abomination Vaults Player's Guide, 5. Paizo Inc., 2021
  5. 5.0 5.1 5.2 5.3 Rigby Bendele, et al. “Religion” in Travel Guide, 92. Paizo Inc., 2022
  6. 6.0 6.1 Andrew Penn Romine, et al. Astronomy” in People of the Stars, 26. Paizo Inc., 2014
  7. Erik Mona, et al. Mwangi Expanse” in World Guide, 93. Paizo Inc., 2019
  8. Chris A. Jackson. Pirate's Honor, 11. Paizo Inc., 2013
  9. Kim Frandsen, et al. “Skies and Seas” in Wilderness Origins, 30. Paizo Inc., 2019
  10. 10.0 10.1 Misha Bushyager, et al. Pantheons” in Divine Mysteries, 242. Paizo Inc., 2024