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Large city
4724 AR: 11,560
4715 AR: 11,320
4724 AR: 84% orcs, 7% dromaars, 5% humans, 2% giants, 2% others
4715 AR: 9,510 orcs, 792 dromaars, 566 humans, 230 giants, 222 others
Chief (overlord)
Source: Belkzen, Hold of the Orc Hordes, pg(s). 17 (1E)
Destroyer's Doom, pg(s). 69 (2E)

Wyvernsting, formerly called Wyvern's Sting,1 is the second largest settlement in Belkzen by population. It is located in the northeastern-most spur of the Kodar Mountains, surrounded by a high wooden stockade. It controls one of the Belkzen's rare forests and is close to the valuable and dangerous beasts of the Realm of the Mammoth Lords to the north, bringing wealth and power to its rulers.2

As of 4724 AR, Unbroken Horn Hold chief Paskis Nine-Knives rules Wyvernsting. She succeeded her predecessor Hundux Half-Man around 4716 AR after overthrowing and executing him in a three-day-long coup.3

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Wyvernsting is located near the mouth of Cleftbone Canyon. The steep slopes of the surrounding mountains cloak the city in shadow for most of the day allowing the light-sensitive orcs to be easily active even during daylight hours. The tunnels and chambers that honeycomb the walls of the Cleftbone Canyon are home to the wyvern-riders of the Wingripper tribe, close allies of the Unbroken Horn Hold.4

The Unbroken Horn Hold occupies Wyvernsting from their headquarters in a fortress west of the city, known as of 4724 AR as Fort Paskis.


As of 4715 AR, it was said that Hundux was preparing for an assault on Urgir.2 After Grask Uldeth was assassinated in 4716 AR, however, Hundux urged caution from his followers. This perceived cowardice enraged his advisor Paskis Nine-Knives, who staged a three-day coup of subterfuge that led to Paskis assassinating Hundux.5


Paizo published a gazetteer of Wyvernsting in Destroyer's Doom.

For additional as-yet unincorporated sources about this subject, see the Meta page.

  1. Kendra Leigh Speedling. Wyvernsting Gazetteer” in Destroyer's Doom, 69. Paizo Inc., 2024
  2. 2.0 2.1 Steve Kenson, et al. Orcs of Golarion” in Orcs of Golarion, 19. Paizo Inc., 2010
  3. Kendra Leigh Speedling. Wyvernsting Gazetteer” in Destroyer's Doom, 69. Paizo Inc., 2024 Year relative to the timing of Grask Uldeth's assassination.
  4. Tyler Beck, et al. Belkzen Gazetteer” in Belkzen, Hold of the Orc Hordes, 17. Paizo Inc., 2015
  5. Kendra Leigh Speedling. Wyvernsting Gazetteer” in Destroyer's Doom, 69. Paizo Inc., 2024 Year relative to the timing of Grask Uldeth's assassination.