Urglin Gap
From PathfinderWiki
The Urglin Gap, named after the orc city of Urglin on its western edge, is the broad desert-like plain that connects the Blood Plains of western Belkzen to the Storval Plateau in Varisia. Many battles have taken place upon this vast scrubland between the Kodar Mountains to the north and the Mindspin Mountains to the south,1 including the Battle of the Shadefields.2 The Urglin Gap is the main way, and usually the only way, to traverse the mountains between Belkzen and Varisia.1
- ↑ 1.0 1.1 Tyler Beck, et al. “Belkzen Gazetteer” in Belkzen, Hold of the Orc Hordes, 9. Paizo Inc., 2015
- ↑ Tyler Beck, et al. “Belkzen Gazetteer” in Belkzen, Hold of the Orc Hordes, 7. Paizo Inc., 2015
Hold of Belkzen, homeland of orcs
Settlements by region
Geographical features and other places of interest
Rivers, islands, and waterways
Hills and mountains
Plains and marshes
Other places of interest
- Battle of the Bleeding Stones
- Battle of the Burning Child
- Battle of Last Hope
- Battle of Nine Broken Skulls
- Battle of Screaming Tree
- Battle of the Shadefields
- Brimstone Haruspex
- Broken Shore
- Cenotaph
- Covenant Rock
- Dretha's Cradle
- Firewatch Peaks
- Fort Morrine
- Fort Paskis (Fort Hundux)
- Gerduhm
- Harchist's Blockade
- Heliu's Folly
- Hordeline
- Pillars of Kreth
- Rake Island Bridge
- Raschka-Tor
- Scarwall
- Sech Nevali
- Seraph's Ladder
- Shadefields
- Skull Hill
- The Sleeper (Xin-Gastash)
- Splitskull Keep
- Sunwall
- Table of Ralock
- Tomb of the First Battle
- Valorfoe
- Bearslayer
- Black Sun
- Blood Fur
- Bloodied Gauntlet
- Blood Trail
- Broken Spine
- Burning Sun
- Cleft Head
- Dead Eye
- Death Tower (Defiled Corpse)
- Death's Head
- Deathwatcher
- Drowning Sand
- Eight Fingers
- Empty Hand
- Goatkillers
- Gore Tusk
- Gutspear
- Haskodar
- Ice Tooth
- Mangled Limb
- One Eye
- Open Barrow
- Severed Hand
- Shattered Fang
- Skittering Ravagers
- Skull Eater
- Steel Eater
- Storm-Screamers of Rull
- Twisted Nail
- Unbroken Horn (Murdered Child)
- Whispering Blades
- Wingripper
Countries claiming parts of the Mindspin Mountains
Major cities
Mountains, hills, and valleys
- Bloodsworn Vale
- Calphiak Mountains
- Curchain Hills
- Devil's Platter
- Fenwall Mountains
- Fogscar Mountains
- Fogwall Cliffs
- The Gnashers
- Hollow Mountain
- Hook Mountain
- Iron Peaks
- Kodar Mountains
- Malgorian Mountains
- Mindspin Mountains
- Ravenroost
- Red Mountains
- Rift of Niltak
- Rigg's Tors
- Rimeskull
- Shy Hills
- Stony Mountains
- Storval Rise
- Task's Tors
- Valley of the Black Tower
- Velashu Uplands
- Wyvern Mountains
Rivers, lakes, and bodies of water
- Aloren River
- River Avah
- Biston's Pond
- Blue River
- Bunyip Bay
- Chavali River
- Claybottom Lake
- Conqueror's Bay
- Cougar Creek
- Elytus River
- Ember Lake
- Falcon River
- Foxglove River
- Jeggare River
- Kazaron River
- Lady's Lagoon
- Lampblack River
- Malgorian River
- Muschkal River
- Ooze River
- Outcast's Cove
- Pusbubble Lake
- Runtash River
- Sarwin River
- Lake Coal
- Lake Ghaulos
- Lake Skotha
- Skull River
- Slug Creek
- Sog's Bay
- Soggy River
- Stalak River
- Steam River
- Steaming Sea
- Lake Stormunder
- Lake Syrantula
- Storval Deep
- Storval River
- Thistle River
- Turandarok River
- Varisian Gulf
- Velashu River
- Yondabakari River
- Weasel Creek
Plains and plateaus
Other locations of interest
- The Acadaemae
- Acropolis of the Thrallkeepers
- Black Tower
- Brinewall
- Cavern of Many Mouths
- Chorak's Tomb
- Cindermaw's Feeding Grounds
- Crystalrock
- Crystilan
- Desgard's Thousand Columns
- Gruankus
- Guiltspur
- House of the Moon
- Jorgenfist
- Justnoque
- Kallow Mounds
- Lady's Cape
- The Lady's Light
- Minderhal's Anvil
- Mobhad Leigh
- Mundatei
- Skull's Crossing
- Spindlehorn
- Spire of Lemriss
- Storval Stairs
- Sunken Queen
- Temple of Gogunta
- Viperwall
- Windsong Abbey
- Wormwood Hall
- Xin-Bakrakhan
- Xin-Eurythnia
- Xin-Haruka
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