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This article contains spoilers for the following products: Pathfinder Society Roleplaying Guild Season 1

Season 1

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This article covers the season designated "Season 1" of the Pathfinder Society Roleplaying Guild campaign for Pathfinder First Edition. For the first season using the Pathfinder Second Edition rules, also designated "Season 1", see Year of the Open Road.

Season 1 of the Pathfinder Society Roleplaying Guild campaign ran from August 2009 to July 2010.

Metaplot overview

In the first and second seasons of Pathfinder Society Roleplaying Guild, the Pathfinder Society explores a variety of opportunities throughout the Inner Sea, making inroads with the Blakros family. The information broker Grandmaster Torch aids the society in completing several missions... but always at a price. The Pathfinder Society completes a long battle with the cult of Groetus in Cassomir that turns out to be a cover for a more sinister foe. Amenopheus tries to learn about the Jeweled Sages by helping an ancient evil rogue in a ritual that the Society is able to stop by gathering several relics, bringing Amenopheus back to square 1. The Pathfinder Society twice foils the cult of Zyphus in Taldor, making an enemy of the cult. Whispers of a "Shadow Lodge" of disaffected Pathfinders prove to be a reality, as the Pathfinders discover and thwart a cell in Kaer Maga. The Eyes of the Ten arc begins for the Pathfinders leading them on an epic journey.1

Season 1 releases

The following adventures were released as part of Season 1. This table may be sorted by scenario number, title, level tier, metaplot arc, venture-captain (or other official) assigning the mission, location, or country.

PFS# Title Tier Metaplot V-C Location Country
29 Shipyard Rats 1-7 Devil We Know, TheThe Devil We Know, Part 1 Hestia Themis Cassomir Taldor
30 Cassomir's Locker 1-7 Devil We Know, TheThe Devil We Know, Part 2 Hestia Themis Cassomir Taldor
31 Sniper in the Deep 5-9 Adril Hestram Flotsam Graveyard Absalom
32 Drow of the Darklands Pyramid 7-11 Norden Balentiir Darklands Osirion
33 Assault on the Kingdom of the Impossible 1-5 Vasuman Mihir Jalmeray
34 Encounter at the Drowning Stones 7-11 Osprey Mwangi Expanse
35 Voice in the Void 1-7 Adril Hestram Blakros Museum Absalom
36 Prisoner of Skull Hill, TheThe Prisoner of Skull Hill 7-11 Echoes of the Everwar, Part 1 Norden Balentiir Hold of Belkzen
37 Beggar's Pearl, TheThe Beggar's Pearl 1-7 Brackett Aspodell Mountains Andoran
38 No Plunder, No Pay 7-11 Adril Hestram Sodden Lands
39 Citadel of Flame, TheThe Citadel of Flame 1-5 Dennel Hamshanks Meraz Desert Qadira
40 Hall of Drunken Heroes 7-11 Osprey Cayden's Hall Absalom
41 Crypt of Fools 1-7 Devil We Know, TheThe Devil We Know, Part 3 Hestia Themis Cassomir Taldor
42 Watcher of Ages, TheThe Watcher of Ages 7-11 Echoes of the Everwar, Part 2 Norden Balentiir Collapsed Halls Cheliax
43 Pallid Plague, TheThe Pallid Plague 1-7 Brackett Darkmoon Wood Andoran
44 Terror at Whistledown 7-11 Echoes of the Everwar, Part 3 Norden Balentiir Whistledown Varisia
45 Delirium's Tangle 1-5 Drandle Dreng and Grandmaster Torch Absalom
46 Requiem for the Red Raven 12 Eyes of the Ten, Part 1 Adril Hestram Galt
47 Darkest Vengeance, TheThe Darkest Vengeance 1-5 Basia Kalisto Ustalav
48 The Rules of the Swift 1-7 Devil We Know, TheThe Devil We Know, Part 4 Hestia Themis Cassomir Taldor
49 Among the Dead 1-7 Among trilogy, TheThe 'Among' Trilogy, Part 2 Drandle Dreng Oppara Taldor
50 Fortune's Blight 5-9 Shevala Iorae River Kingdoms
51 Shadow Gambit, THeThe Shadow Gambit 1-7 Shadow Lodge, The City of Strangers, Part 1 Drandle Dreng Kaer Maga Varisia
52 Twofold Demise, TheThe Twofold Demise 1-7 Shadow Lodge, The City of Strangers, Part 2 Dakar Kaer Maga Varisia
53 Faithless Dead, TheThe Faithless Dead 7-11 Echoes of the Everwar, Part 4 Norden Balentiir Sothis Osirion
54 Maze of the Open Road, TheThe Maze of the Open Road 12 Eyes of the Ten, Part 2 Eliza Petulengro Cheliax, Mwangi Expanse
55 Infernal Vault, TheThe Infernal Vault 1-7 Drandle Dreng Deckland Vaults Absalom
56 Jester's Fraud, TheThe Jester's Fraud 5-9 Aram Zey Evondemor Taldor


  1. Mark Seifter. (August 16, 2013). Pathfinder Society Season Summaries?, Paizo Messageboards.