The Secrets Stones Keep
The Secrets Stones Keep, a Pathfinder Society scenario for tier 5-9 written by Larry Wilhelm, was released in July 2013. It is the third and final chapter in the Glories of the Past adventure arc, which links the Pathfinder Society Roleplaying Guild seasons Year of the Risen Rune and Year of the Demon.
“Deep beneath the orc city of Urgir in the Hold of Belkzen lie the ruins of the ancient dwarven Sky Citadel of Koldukar, where awaits what could be the greatest discovery of the Age of Lost Omens: confirmation of the location of one of the lost Sky Citadels, built by the dwarves in their earliest days on the surface of Golarion. But reaching their destination won't be easy for the Pathfinders, and only the most skilled will survive Urgir and the terrors guarding the dwarves' long-abandoned secrets. Can they uncover the location of the lost Sky Citadel, or will the Pathfinders suffer the same fate as Koldukar—defeat at the hands of ruthless orcs and centuries of decay under the earth?
Scenario overview
Level | |
Location(s) |
This is the third scenario in Glories of the Past campaign arc:
Recurring characters, concepts, and locations
The following characters, concepts, or locations can be found in this scenario, but also significantly appear in the publications listed below:
- Hold of Belkzen (The Price of Friendship, The Prisoner of Skull Hill, The Secrets Stones Keep)
- Bloodworks (The Price of Friendship, The Secrets Stones Keep)
- Broken Spine tribe (The Secrets Stones Keep)
- Canayven Heidmarch (Cairn of Shadows, Fortress of the Nail, Heidmarch Heist, The Price of Friendship, Race for the Runecarved Key, The Secrets Stones Keep, Testament of Souls, The Veteran's Vault)
- Dongun Hold (Halls of Dwarven Lore, The Secrets Stones Keep)
- Droskar (Captives of Toil, Enter the Pallid Peak, Halls of Dwarven Lore, Legacy of the Stonelords, The Secrets Stones Keep, Tapestry's Toil, What The Helms Hide)
- Grand Lodge (faction) (Among the Gods, Betrayal in the Bones, The Blakros Matrimony, Captive in Crystal, The Cultist's Kiss, The Cyphermage Dilemma, The Disappeared, Echoes of the Overwatched, The Edge of Heaven, The Fabric of Reality, Feast of Sigils (scenario), The Ghenett Manor Gauntlet, The Goblinblood Dead, The God's Market Gamble, The Golden Guardian, The Golden Serpent, The Golemworks Incident, The Green Market, Halls of Dwarven Lore, The Haunting of Hinojai, The Immortal Conundrum, In Wrath's Shadow, In the Grandmaster's Name, King of the Storval Stairs, Library of the Lion, The Night March of Kalkamedes, On Hostile Waters, Pagoda of the Rat (scenario), The Price of Friendship, Red Harvest, The Refuge of Time, Refugees of the Weary Sky, Rivalry's End, The Sanos Abduction, The Secrets Stones Keep, Severing Ties, Sewer Dragons of Absalom, Snakes in the Fold, Song of the Sea Witch, Storming the Diamond Gate, The Sundered Path, Tapestry's Toil, The Technic Siege, Tide of Twilight, Tower of the Ironwood Watch, The Veteran's Vault, Words of the Ancients)
- Gulros (The Price of Friendship, The Secrets Stones Keep)
- Highhelm (Escaping the Grave, The Glass River Rescue, Halls of Dwarven Lore, The Secrets Stones Keep, The Stolen Heir, What The Helms Hide)
- Janderhoff (Captives of Toil, The Cultist's Kiss, The Fabric of Reality, Halls of Dwarven Lore, In Wrath's Shadow, The Refuge of Time, The Sanos Abduction, The Secrets Stones Keep)
- Jormurdun (Assault on the Wound, Captives of Toil, The Elven Entanglement, From Under Ice, The Golden Guardian, The Horn of Aroden, Kaava Quarry, Legacy of the Stonelords, Port Godless, Returned to Sky, The Sealed Gate, The Secrets Stones Keep, Siege of Serpents, The Sky Key Solution, Tapestry's Toil, Test of Tar Kuata, The Traitor's Lodge, Vengeance at Sundered Crag, Where Mammoths Dare Not Tread)
- Kraggodan (The Secrets Stones Keep)
- Kravenkus (Halls of Dwarven Lore, The Secrets Stones Keep)
- Lantern Lodge (faction) (Among the Gods, The Blakros Matrimony, The Cultist's Kiss, The Dog Pharaoh's Tomb, Echoes of the Overwatched, The Edge of Heaven, The Fabric of Reality, Feast of Sigils (scenario), Fortress of the Nail, The Goblinblood Dead, The God's Market Gamble, The Golden Serpent, The Golemworks Incident, The Green Market, Halls of Dwarven Lore, The Immortal Conundrum, King of the Storval Stairs, The Kortos Envoy, The Midnight Mauler, The Night March of Kalkamedes, On Hostile Waters, Pagoda of the Rat (scenario), The Price of Friendship, Red Harvest, The Refuge of Time, Rise of the Goblin Guild, Rivalry's End, The Sanos Abduction, The Secrets Stones Keep, Severing Ties, Sewer Dragons of Absalom, Song of the Sea Witch, Storming the Diamond Gate, The Sundered Path, The Temple of Empyreal Enlightenment, Tide of Twilight, Tower of the Ironwood Watch, The Veteran's Vault, Way of the Kirin (scenario), Words of the Ancients)
- Mag (Blood Under Absalom, The Cultist's Kiss, Feast of Sigils (scenario), The Golden Serpent, In Wrath's Shadow, King of the Storval Stairs, The Secrets Stones Keep, Words of the Ancients)
- Magra the Mad (The Secrets Stones Keep)
- Mammoth Lords (Assault on the Wound, Exiles of Winter, Hillcross Roundup, Keep of the Huscarl King, The Sarkorian Prophecy, The Sealed Gate, The Secrets Stones Keep, Where Mammoths Dare Not Tread)
- Mut (The Secrets Stones Keep)
- Neve (The Secrets Stones Keep)
- Nonhuman languages of Golarion (The Secrets Stones Keep)
- Ploog (The Price of Friendship, The Secrets Stones Keep)
- Sandricaan (Captives of Toil, Halls of Dwarven Lore, The Secrets Stones Keep)
- Sczarni (faction) (Among the Gods, A Bitter Bargain, The Blakros Matrimony, The Cultist's Kiss, The Cyphermage Dilemma, Defenders of Nesting Swallow, The Disappeared, The Dog Pharaoh's Tomb, Echoes of the Overwatched, The Edge of Heaven, The Fabric of Reality, Feast of Sigils (scenario), Fortress of the Nail, The Frostfur Captives, The Goblinblood Dead, The God's Market Gamble, The Golden Serpent, The Golemworks Incident, The Green Market, Halls of Dwarven Lore, The Haunting of Hinojai, The Icebound Outpost, The Immortal Conundrum, In Wrath's Shadow, King of the Storval Stairs, The Midnight Mauler, My Enemy's Enemy, The Night March of Kalkamedes, On Hostile Waters, Pagoda of the Rat (scenario), Portal of the Sacred Rune, The Price of Friendship, Red Harvest, The Refuge of Time, Rivalry's End, The Sanos Abduction, The Secrets Stones Keep, Severing Ties, Sewer Dragons of Absalom, Snakes in the Fold, Song of the Sea Witch, Storming the Diamond Gate, The Stranger Within, The Sundered Path, The Temple of Empyreal Enlightenment, Tide of Twilight, Tower of the Ironwood Watch, The Veteran's Vault, The Wardstone Patrol, Way of the Kirin (scenario)... further results)
- Shadow Lodge (faction) (The Blakros Matrimony, The Cultist's Kiss, The Cyphermage Dilemma, The Dog Pharaoh's Tomb, The Edge of Heaven, The Fabric of Reality, Feast of Sigils (scenario), The Frostfur Captives, The Goblinblood Dead, The God's Market Gamble, The Golden Serpent, The Golemworks Incident, The Green Market, Halls of Dwarven Lore, The Icebound Outpost, The Immortal Conundrum, In Wrath's Shadow, The Kortos Envoy, The Midnight Mauler, My Enemy's Enemy, The Night March of Kalkamedes, On Hostile Waters, Pagoda of the Rat (scenario), Portal of the Sacred Rune, The Price of Friendship, Red Harvest, The Refuge of Time, Rivalry's End, The Sanos Abduction, The Secrets Stones Keep, Severing Ties, Sewer Dragons of Absalom, Song of the Sea Witch, Storming the Diamond Gate, The Temple of Empyreal Enlightenment, Tide of Twilight, Tower of the Ironwood Watch, The Veteran's Vault, Way of the Kirin (scenario), Words of the Ancients)
- Taargick (The Secrets Stones Keep)
- Tar Taargadth (Ancients' Anguish, The Secrets Stones Keep, Voice in the Void)
- Urgir (In Burning Dawn, In Glorious Battle, The Price of Friendship, The Secrets Stones Keep, Somewhere Below)
- Urglin (Escaping the Grave, The Price of Friendship, The Secrets Stones Keep, Trailblazer's Bounty)
Map support
The following Pathfinder Map Pack is used in this scenario along with three custom maps:
- Real-world articles
- Works by Larry Wilhelm
- Artwork by Ben Wootten
- Artwork by Craig J Spearing
- Artwork by Corey Macourek
- Artwork by Quincy Boyd
- Artwork by Sean Macdonald
- 2013 adventures
- Adventures
- PFRPG adventures
- Pathfinder Society scenarios
- Season 4 scenarios
- 5th level adventures
- 6th level adventures
- 7th level adventures
- 8th level adventures
- 9th level adventures
- Tier 5-9 scenarios
- Adventures in Hold of Belkzen
- Pathfinder Society scenarios set in Hold of Belkzen
- Adventures in Urgir
- Pathfinder Society scenarios set in Urgir
- Glories of the Past adventures