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Slave Pits of Absalom

From PathfinderWiki
Pathfinder Society Scenario #8: Slave Pits of Absalom
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Book - Pathfinder Society scenario
Rule set
D&D 3.5

Slave Pits of Absalom, a Pathfinder Society scenario written by Louis Agresta for tier 1-5, was released in November 2008.

Someone kidnapped Lady Anilah Salhar—the Chelaxian wife of Dremdhet Salhar, one of Osirion's many Grand Ambassadors to Absalom—and sold her into slavery. With Salhar holding delve permits over the heads of the Decemvirate, the Pathfinders are sent to assist the Osirian Ambassador. Venturing into Absalom's darkest corners to save Lady Anilah, the Pathfinders must face the secrets of the Slave Pits to avoid becoming slaves themselves.

Scenario overview


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In 4708 AR, a Taldan spy named Renmil Emprey created a plan to kidnap Lady Anilah Salhar, wife of Dremdhet Salhar, one of Osirion's Grand Ambassadors to Absalom, in order to embarrass Osirion.

He hired a grit-addicted thug named Fredrik to capture Lady Anilah and deliver her to a Vudrani slaver named Pardu Pildapush in Absalom's Misery Row slave district. Emprey then contacted a kholo1 slave ship named the No Return, captained by Gnarl Bonegather, and advised them that he had a noblewoman slave for sale.


Venture-Captain Alissa Moldreserva commissions a team of Pathfinders to locate and rescue Lady Anilah, and suggests they start by tracking down Fredrik, who has a reputation for slavery-related noble abductions.

The Pathfinders locate Fredrik at the Second Chance, a dockside bar in the Puddles district, and find him in the middle of a pitched tavern brawl. Upon extracting Fredrik from the brawl, they learn that the captive Lady Anilah was left with Pardu Pildapesh at Pardu's office in the Pits on Misery Row.

The Pathfinders confront Pardu and, by force or diplomacy, learn that he sold Lady Anilah to a Katapeshi slave ship called the No Return currently in Absalom's Docks. However, upon heading to the Docks the Pathfinders are ambushed by Pardu's gang of killer halflings, the Puddlejumpers, and forced to fight for their lives.

Finally, the Pathfinders raid the No Return and confront its kholo captain, Gnarl Bonegather, and his foreman, Snarl Sorehackle. With the kholo defeated, the Pathfinders can free the ship's slaves, including Lady Anilah.

Recurring characters, concepts, and locations

The following characters, concepts, or locations can be found in this scenario, but also significantly appear in the publications listed below:

Available resources

The following Pathfinder Flip-Mat product is used in this scenario in addition to one custom map:


  1. Paizo referred to all kholo as gnolls until the publication of The Mwangi Expanse, and renamed all gnolls to kholo across Player Core, GM Core, and Monster Core. For details, see Meta:Kholo.