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The Third Riddle

From PathfinderWiki
Pathfinder Society Scenario #11: The Third Riddle
Cover Image
Book - Pathfinder Society scenario
Rule set
D&D 3.5

The Third Riddle, a retired Pathfinder Society scenario written by Clinton Boomer for tier 1–5, was released in January 2009 and retired from organized play on November 15, 2010.

When Pathfinder Colm Safan entered the Nethys-linked heart of the fabled dungeon known as the Ravenous Sphinx, the Pathfinder Society expected to solve one of Osirion's greatest riddles. Months passed with no word from Safan and you and your fellow Pathfinders find yourselves dispatched into the desolate wastes of Osirion's notorious Parched Dunes to find the sphinx, find Safan, and uncover the mystery he sought. With a band of cloaked riders on your trail and a trap-filled dungeon ahead, will you solve the third riddle before time runs out?

Scenario overview


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Nethys, god of magic, hid three riddles somewhere on Golarion during his reign as God-King of Osirion. When united, the three riddles were said to be able to "unbind the universe".

During the age of Ancient Osirion, the wizard-priest Mektep-Han discovered the locations of all three riddles. However, instead of solving them, he re-hid them to protect their secrets.

It is unknown where he placed the first two riddles, but the third was sealed in the Ravenous Sphinx, a huge bestial statue located in the Parched Dunes of Osirion. Mektep-Han constructed traps and tests within the Sphinx to protect the riddle, and slew the workers who built them once they were complete. Finally, he sealed himself into the Sphinx and sacrificed himself to Nethys, binding a Soulwrought Echo of his soul to the Third Riddle.

The tomb went undisturbed for thousands of years, but in mid-4708 AR it was unearthed by the Pathfinder Colm Safan with the help of numerous labourers. Upon entering the tomb, Safan was killed by the tomb's first trap.


In early 4709 AR, six months after the unearthing of the Ravenous Sphinx, the Pathfinder Venture-Captain Norden Balentiir, a friend of Safan located in Sothis, asked Venture-Captain Adril Hestram to dispatch a team of Pathfinders to search for Safan and investigate the Sphinx. Around the same time, the Aspis Consortium also took an interest in the Sphinx and became eager to find the Third Riddle.

A team of Pathfinders successfully manages to reach the Sphinx before the Aspis Consortium and delves inside. Within, they discover three tests set by Mektep-Han—the Test of the Necromancer, the Test of the Evoker, and the Test of the Diviner.

If the Pathfinders successfully complete the tests, they win the approval of Mektep-Han's spirit, and receive an artifact called a Nethys Tablet bearing the Third Riddle's solution. The Ravenous Sphinx then begins to collapse, and the Pathfinders flee the tomb before they are destroyed along with it. Afterwards, they are presumed to entrust the Nethys Tablet—which is useless without the other two Riddles—to the care of the Pathfinder Society.

Recurring characters, concepts, and locations

The following characters, concepts, or locations can be found in this scenario, but also significantly appear in the publications listed below:

Available resources

The following Pathfinder Map Pack product is used in this scenario in addition to one custom map:

The module also refers players to the following products: