Mephit Spring

From PathfinderWiki

Mephit Spring is a valley in the Footprints of Rovagug mountains of western Osirion that is the locus of several powerful elemental forces. Located between the Kho-Rarne Pass and Tar Kuata, the springs once were the home of many scamps1 who communed peacefully with one another. As of 4714 AR the mood has darkened, as a demon had taken over the area.23

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  1. ↑ Paizo referred to elemental scamps as mephits until the publication of the Pathfinder Second Edition Bestiary, and began solely referring to them as scamps in Rage of Elements. See Bestiary pg. 150, Rage of Elements pg. 3, and Pathfinder Core Preview pgs. 2, 13. Their appearance also changed from small humanoids to small bat-like creatures.
  2. ↑ Alex Greenshields, et al. “Land of the Pharaohs” in Osirion, Legacy of Pharaohs, 16. Paizo Inc., 2014
  3. ↑ Alex Greenshields, et al. “Plots and Perils” in Osirion, Legacy of Pharaohs, 48–49. Paizo Inc., 2014