Ravenous Sphinx

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Ravenous Sphinx

Source: Osirion, Legacy of Pharaohs, pg(s). 12

The Ravenous Sphinx is a huge statue in the shape of a crouching jet-black lion topped by the snarling head of a fantastic beast. It is located in the Parched Dunes of Osirion, in the shadow of the Brazen Peaks, partially buried in the desert's sands.1 It houses three large rooms, with a connecting central antechamber.2


Nethys, god of magic, hid three riddles somewhere on Golarion during his reign as God-King of Osirion. When united, the three riddles were said to be able to "unbind the universe".21

During the age of Ancient Osirion, the wizard-priest Mektep-Han discovered the locations of all three riddles. However, instead of solving them, he re-hid them to protect their secrets.2

It is unknown where he placed the first two riddles, but the third was sealed in the Ravenous Sphinx.21 Mektep-Han constructed traps and tests within the Sphinx to protect the riddle, and slew the workers who built them once they were complete. Finally, he sealed himself into the Sphinx and sacrificed himself to Nethys, binding a Soulwrought Echo of his soul to the Third Riddle.2

The tomb went undisturbed for thousands of years, but in mid-4708 AR it was unearthed by the Pathfinder Colm Safan with the help of numerous labourers. Upon entering the tomb, Safan was killed by the tomb's first trap.

Following Safan's disappearance, the tomb attracted interest from the Aspis Consortium and Pathfinder Society Venture-Captains Norden Balentiir and Adril Hestram.2


Paizo set the Pathfinder Society scenario The Third Riddle in the Ravenous Sphinx.

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  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 Alex Greenshields, et al. “Land of the Pharaohs” in Osirion, Legacy of Pharaohs, 12. Paizo Inc., 2014
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 Clinton Boomer. The Third Riddle, 3. Paizo Inc., 2009