New Dock

From PathfinderWiki

The New Dock of Okeno is anything but new. Now centuries old, it is where every ship visiting the slaver city docks after offloading their slaves.

The New Dock is a maze of winding piers, walkways, and cranes, with large sections made from the reused timbers of ancient ships. Eroded by the wind and waves, in the morning mists these timbers resemble an enormous skeleton jutting from the Yellow Harbor's depths. Due to their age and the endless wear and tear it endures, the New Dock is under constant repairs, making the rickety docks one of the most dangerous parts of the already dangerous city and leading to the coining of the phrase, “A rusty nail is the deadliest weapon in the Yellow City”.

The New Dock is the domain of Captain Permelia "Peg-Leg" Cockle, Okeno's notoriously corrupt harbor master and loyal advisor to Governor Morio Midasi. Permelia has the unenviable task of taxing the vessels that visit Okeno, including ferreting out the endless smuggler's holds and hidden compartments that dot almost every vessel. Captain Cockle is assisted by her wererat lieutenant Akall ni Hatrass and her group of fellow wererats, known locally as The Moles.1


  1. Richard Pett. Okeno, The Yellow City” in The Whisper Out of Time, 66. Paizo Inc., 2016