Palace of Honeyed Stone

From PathfinderWiki

The Palace of Honeyed Stone is a vast palace that serves as the home of the governor of the slaver city of Okeno. Also sometimes referred to as the "Golden Palace", the Palace of Honeyed Stone was built by Captain Ilmatis Okeno, the first pirate lord of Okeno back in 3499 AR. The Palace of Honeyed Stone is a series of beautiful towers built enclosing a beautiful garden. Every lord since Ilmatis has made their own additions to the Palace of Honeyed Stone turning it into a beautifully decorated, trap-laden deathtrap.1

In addition to the countless traps, the current governor Morio Midasi keeps the Palace well patrolled by guards as well as his menagerie of enslaved beasts, including his famous gug bodyguard. Midasi regularly invites prominent guests to visit the Palace of Honeyed Stone but always in groups small enough to be repelled should the encounter turn violent.1


  1. 1.0 1.1 Richard Pett. Okeno, The Yellow City” in The Whisper Out of Time, 67. Paizo Inc., 2016