Yellow Harbor

From PathfinderWiki
Location of Okeno.

The Yellow Harbor, also commonly known as The Skindock, is one of two harbors that compose the Harbor District of Okeno and is known for its traditional association with the slave trade. Yellow Harbor served as Okeno's original skindock, and slaves have passed through it since Okeno's founding in 3496 AR.

When arriving in the Yellow Harbor, a visitor is greeted by a wall of yellow sails, the traditional mark of an Okeno pirate or slaver ship. The harbor is built of ancient stone and split into two levels. Okeno's slaves are herded through tunnels and trenches carved directly into the stone of the Skindock, a region known as the Sweatways. Trade goods, passengers, sailors, and slavers of all kinds traverse the piers and walkways above.

Okeno is host to a large population of tourists, as people travel from across the Inner Sea region to trade in Okeno's sapient merchandise, making Yellow Harbor one of the most cosmopolitan parts of the city. As of 4716 AR, slaves being moved through the Yellow Harbor were overseen by Nexor Halfhand and his band of vicious kholo guards. Nexor was the right hand man of Fleshlord Sarfaraz al-Qoor, one of the city's most powerful slave traders.1

Yellow Harbor is also home to swarms of laborers selling their services to any ship that needs off-loading. While theoretically free, these laborers are often under the yoke of greedy masters who treat them as little better than slaves. Whilst most slaves in Okeno are traded legitimately, there is also no end of skullduggery involved in the slave trade, and shady con-men, scam artists, and muscle-for-hire also ply their trades across the harbor's boardwalks.2


  1. Richard Pett. Okeno, The Yellow City” in The Whisper Out of Time, 65. Paizo Inc., 2016
  2. Richard Pett. Okeno, The Yellow City” in The Whisper Out of Time, 66. Paizo Inc., 2016