
From PathfinderWiki

The Sweatways run though and below the slaver city of Okeno, a cramped, stinking tunnel network that are used to move the city's slave chattel between the Yellow Harbor and it various Fleshfairs, including the Laughing and Old Fleshfair. The Sweatways are named for the pervasive reek that emanates seemingly from the very stone itself. Carved directly into the bedrock below Okeno, the Sweatways were once painted white, but centuries of encrusted human filth have ensured this ancient paint is no longer visible. This foul encrustation has taken on a horrific life of its own. The creature, known as the Wreakling, only emerges after some unusually terrible act of cruelty or injustice takes places within the Sweatways. Then it emerges to take vengeance, seeking out a horrific revenge that involves consuming the perpetrator before slaughtering their friends and family.1


  1. Richard Pett. Okeno, The Yellow City” in The Whisper Out of Time, 65. Paizo Inc., 2016