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Hyena Princess
Source: The Whisper Out of Time, pg(s). 63

The Hyena Princess Njano is one of the most powerful and influential slave traders in all Okeno and as such is both respected and feared.1 A kholo matriarch, Njano owns the luxurious Palace of Waterfalls, though she often makes her home in lesser dwellings due to paranoia about her personal safety. As well as frequent relocations, Njano is keep safe by her extensive web of contacts and particularly her reputation for enacting terrible, sadistic vengeance against any who wrong her. Njano is known for taking daily baths in milk,2 as well as her typical kholo love of intrigue and scheming.3 As one of the richest slave traders of Okeno it is said that Hyena Princess Njano has almost as many enemies as she has riches and residences.1 Njano can normal be found attending the Fleshfairs, particularly the Laughing Fleshfair, always searching for bargain chattel.1


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 Richard Pett. “The Whisper Out of Time” in The Whisper Out of Time, 39. Paizo Inc., 2016
  2. Richard Pett. Okeno, The Yellow City” in The Whisper Out of Time, 67. Paizo Inc., 2016
  3. Richard Pett. “The Whisper Out of Time” in The Whisper Out of Time, 40. Paizo Inc., 2016