Ritheeri Halmas

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Ritheeri Halmas

Source: The Whisper Out of Time, pg(s). 67

Ritheeri Halmas is the owners of Ratstails, the largest gambling den in the slaver city of Okeno and, as such, is the city's richest person. Ritheeri is a natural-born halfling wererat and was blessed with not just a remarkably wide, charming smile but an incredible memory. Even when Ritheeri hasn't seen a specific customer for months or even years he's able to remember the last conversation they had as if it were mere moments ago.1

Ritheeri is a particular friend to Okeno's large kholo population, especially the influential Hyena Princess Njano, and his casino Ratstails host a number of sadistic games designed to appeal to their crueler sensibilities. Rumour has it, thanks to his extensive connections, he is enviously eying the governor's position currently held by Morio Midasi.1


  1. 1.0 1.1 Richard Pett. Okeno, The Yellow City” in The Whisper Out of Time, 67. Paizo Inc., 2016