Iconic Encounters
Iconic Encounters are a series of brief vignettes of the iconic characters and posted to the Paizo Blog. They are designed to showcase the myriad stories that can be told with Pathfinder Second Edition. The first twelve Iconic Encounters were written by James L. Sutter. These first stories were also tied to a video series, Iconic Evolutions, featuring artist Wayne Reynolds's commentary on his work designing First Edition iconic characters' new art for the Second Edition Core Rulebook.
In June 2020 and 2024, the Iconic Encounters "Of Wasps and Whispers" and "A Curious Case" celebrated Pride Month.
“Iconic Encounters is a series of web-based flash fiction set in the world of Pathfinder. Each short story provides a glimpse into the life and personality of one of the games’ iconic heroes, showing the myriad stories of adventure and excitement players can tell with the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game.
- "Red Snow" by James L. Sutter (Amiri)
- "Puzzle Box" by James L. Sutter (Ezren)
- "One by One" By James L. Sutter (Harsk)
- "To the Last Breath" by James L. Sutter (Kyra)
- "Tough Crowd" by James L. Sutter (Lem)
- "The Green Within" by James L. Sutter (Lini)
- "Party Crasher" by James L. Sutter (Merisiel)
- "Test of the Hidden Peaks" by James L. Sutter (Sajan)
- "One Last Miracle" by James L. Sutter (Seelah)
- "Whispers in the Blood" by James L. Sutter (Seoni)
- "Hold My Beer" by James L. Sutter (Valeros)
- "Fire in the Hold" by James L. Sutter (Fumbus)
- "Ready" by Owen K.C. Stephens (Seelah)
- "Of Wasps and Whispers", by James Jacobs, on June 24, 2020 (Merisiel and Kyra)
- "A Pulse of Evil", by Wendy N. Wagner (Feiya)
- "The Trouble with Fishgold", by James Jacobs (Jirelle)
- "In The Eye Of The Storm", by James Case (Korakai)
- "Striking Thirteen", by Brandon O'Brien (Quinn)
- "A Complicated Plan", by Ryan Cady (Lem and Merisiel)
- "The Drawings on the Wall", by Andrew Bud Adams (Ezren and Fumbus)
- "Whispers in the Storm" by Michael Sayre (Seltyiel)
- "Swimming Lessons" by Mark Seifter (Ija)
- "Water and Bone", by Danielle DeLisle, on August 10, 2021 (Lini)
- "Wreckers Reunion Part 1: Ominous Tides", by Fred Van Lente, on October 6, 2021 (Fumbus and Valeros)
- "Tracks in the Snow", by Ron Lundeen, on November 3, 2021 (Nhalmika)
- "Peril & Portals", by Michael Sayre, on December 8, 2021 (Droven and Lem)
- "Pointed Questions" by Owen K.C. Stephens (Ezren and Merisiel)
- Returning Home by Kate Alice Marshall
- "Part 1: The Wind Beneath the Peaks", by Kate Alice Marshall, on January 26, 2022 (Amiri)
- "Part 2: Stray Cubs", by Kate Alice Marshall (Amiri)
- "Part 3: The Splintering of Bones", by Kate Alice Marshall (Amiri)
- "Part 4: On Killing Kin", by Kate Alice Marshall, on February 16, 2022 (Amiri)
- Wreckers Reunion Parts 2–4 by Fred Van Lente and Michael Sayre
- "Part 2: Beach Party", by Fred Van Lente and Michael Sayre, on February 25, 2022 (Droven and Fumbus)
- "Part 3: Supply Run", by Fred Van Lente and Michael Sayre (Droven, Ezren, Fumbus, Kyra, Merisiel, and Valeros)
- "Part 4: Home, Sweet Home", by Fred Van Lente and Michael Sayre (Droven and Fumbus)
- "Fear, Fortitude, and Fury" by Linda Zayas-Palmer (Thaleon)
- "In Truth's Light" by Mark Seifter (Mios)
- "Jungle Trouble" by Rachael Cruz (Lini and Harsk)
- "Warmth from the Heart" by James Case (Yoon)
- "Shadows Through the Wood" by Rachael Cruz (Merisiel and Kyra)
- "Ties of Shadow" by Andrew Mullen (Lem and Feiya)
- "Fire with Fire" by Andrew Mullen (Ezren and Valeros)
- "Cold Comfort" by Owen K.C. Stephens (Amiri and Seelah)
- "A Curious Case", by James Case, on June 25, 2024 (Quinn)
- "The Direct Approach" by Andrew Bud Adams (Jirelle and Sajan)
- "Blood and Storm" by Jay Moldenhauer-Salazar (Korakai and Seoni)
- "Tidying Up" by Sen.H.H.S. (Fumbus and Quinn)
- "Boars of Belkzen" by Michael Sayre (Samo and Nahoa)
- "The Serpent's Passage" by James Case (Samo and Nahoa)
Before the Godsrain

The ePub release of Before the Godsrain republished several Iconic Encounters stories.
- "Red Snow"
- Returning Home
- "Cold Comfort"
- "Burning Bridges"
- "Puzzle Box"
- "The Drawings on the Wall"
- "Pointed Questions"
- "Fire with Fire"
- "To the Last Breath"
It also presented additional stories alongside previously released Iconic Encounters stories.
- "One Final Chance" by Owen K.C. Stephens (Kyra)
- "Forlorn" by Owen K.C. Stephens (Merisiel)
- "Kaiju Dance in Dreams" by Liane Merciel (Samo)
- "The Animate Sea" by Liane Merciel (Nahoa and Samo)
External links
- Real-world articles
- Flash fiction
- Iconics
- Works by Andrew Bud Adams
- Works by Ryan Cady
- Works by James Case
- Works by Rachael Cruz
- Works by Danielle DeLisle
- Works by James Jacobs
- Works by Ron Lundeen
- Works by Kate Alice Marshall
- Works by Andrew Mullen
- Works by Brandon O'Brien
- Works by Michael Sayre
- Works by Mark Seifter
- Works by Owen K.C. Stephens
- Works by James L. Sutter
- Works by Fred Van Lente
- Works by Wendy N. Wagner
- Works by Linda Zayas-Palmer
- Works by Jay Moldenhauer-Salazar
- Works by Sen.H.H.S.