
From PathfinderWiki

Source: Dark Archive, pg(s). 119–121

Reflections are a rare heritage of beings who exist as the duplicates of other existing beings. Many are drawn from the mysterious mirror dimension of the Echoing Pale and have transited from their home to another plane.1


Reflections lack a unique natural form of their own, and are instead each the perfect clone of another specific being indistinguishable from any other member of the same ancestry as their progenitor.

Those created specifically from mirrors are symmetrically reversed, such that distinctive features appear on the reflection's opposite side. Other reflections have a mark of a swirl on their bodies, manifesting as either a tattoo or birthmark.1


Reflections can be created from rituals and spells that incorporate mirrors, and might be accidentally created or the intentional result of the magical effect—some are the result of accidents involving polymorphic magic, while others are intentionally created clones who were abandoned by, or who betrayed, their creators.1

Darkside mirrors can also replace beings who gaze into them with reflections who are always malicious. However, most other reflections are aligned either the same as their progenitor or precisely opposite. For example, an evil spellcaster's experiments can result in a goodly reflection of themselves.1

Final usurpation

When a reflection's progenitor dies, the reflection can assume their life through a week-long ritual. The reflection takes control of their progenitor's belongings, relationships, and responsibilities until the memories of all creatures who knew the progenitor's behaviors and personality are replaced with those of the reflection. This achieves a final sense of belonging for the reflection, who no longer has to fear being discovered through a discrepancy in their behavior.1


Reflections lack any society of their own, and most experience some form of supernatural bond with their progenitor, which can include a mutual awareness of each other. Some find kinship with their progenitor, but others are cast adrift and face difficulties in being accepted by others as anything but a false copy of their progenitor.1


Reflections tend to be cautious about religion. However, those who do find faith in a deity become particularly devout worshippers.1


  1. ↑ 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 James Case, et al. “Mirrors and Imposters” in Dark Archive, 119–120. Paizo Inc., 2022