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Pitborn (Demon-spawn)
Ramexes, a pitborn oracle.

By class level
Any land
Source: Blood of Fiends, pg(s). 20

Pitborn, pitspawn, or demon-spawn, as they are variously called, are cambions descended from demons.1

Many pitborn are wells of deep rage who harbour an insatiable appetite for destruction. Those that give in to this rage delight not just in the feeling of creating wanton destruction but also in the knowledge that they are ruining something either beloved, desired, or deeply needed. Born of chaos, almost all pitborn harbour some sort of mutation that mars their natural symmetry. For some, these mutations are easy to explain away, such as differently coloured eyes or an extra finger or toe, but for others it can be as extreme as extra limbs, vestigial heads, or bizarre scales and spines. Most pitborn take great offence at having these abnormalities pointed out.1

Most pitborn live near the Sarkoris Scar, formerly known as the Worldwound, as well as in the depths of the Darklands. Pitborn also sometimes arise after seemingly natural disasters, as if there might have been a secret fiendish influence behind them.1


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 Colin McComb & Hal Maclean. “Tiefling Heritages” in Blood of Fiends, 20. Paizo Inc., 2012