
From PathfinderWiki

Vishkanyas are an ophidian race of humanoids who delight in poisons and subterfuge.1 Vishkanyas carry potent venom within their blood and saliva. Largely misunderstood due to old tales of their toxicity and natural finesse, vishkanyas work to grow into more than just what stories paint them to be.2


There are a few features that mark vishkanyas as distinct from humans. Firstly, their skin is covered in fine scales so delicate that they look like skin from any distance further than a couple of feet away. These scales are normally one, universal colour but some vishkanyas' scales have patterns, such as stripes or graceful swirls. Vishkanyas are also distinct in that they have serpent-like split tongues. Their eyes are pupil-less but are able to see much better in dim light than the average human can.1


Many rumours and a lot of misinformation exist surrounding vishkanyas, some rumours even claim the very touch of a vishkanya is lethally poisonous. While this is obviously not true to anyone who has met one, the blood and spittle of a vishkanya are venomous and most vishkanya warriors are adept at quickly coating their weapons in either fluid to make them more lethal. As a result of their venomous nature, vishkanyas possess a natural resistance to poisons.1


Most people tend to find vishkanyas both graceful and subtly alluring. Vishkanyas tend to be noticeably more perceptive than the average person, however, they also are known to be generally a little irrational. Vishkanyas also have their own language which is also called "Vishkanya".1

On Golarion

A prismatic vishkanya.

Vishkanyas are most commonly found on the continent of Casmaron.34 Within Vudra, the vishkanya have their own kingdom, the jungle mahajanapada of Tanadesh, located in the heart of the historic region known as The Cradle. They are also numerous in the Vudran region of the Crying Jungle, one of the most dense, verdant forests in the whole of Casmaron.5

Vishkanyas are also present across the Inner Sea region in far greater numbers than most people would suspect;6 they tend to be drawn to regions and organizations that appreciate their natural affinity for poisons. Daggermark is home to dozens and dozens of vishkanyas, many of whom work for either the Daggermark Assassins' Guild or the Daggermark Poisoners' Guild.7

Vishkanyas have been recruited for generations by the Thakurs of Jalmeray to teach at the Grand Sarret, a secret school used to train courtiers and spies. It is even claimed that there are several vishkanyas amongst the ranks of the Red Mantis assassins, but given the highly secretive nature of the organisation, this is impossible to confirm.7


  1. ↑ 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 Jason Bulmahn, et al. “Monsters A to Z” in Bestiary 3, 281. Paizo Inc., 2011
  2. ↑ Paizo Inc.. Embrace the Unnatural: Pathfinder Lost Omens Impossible Lands. Paizo blog, 2022
  3. ↑ Benjamin Bruck, et al. “Introduction” in Inner Sea Races, 6. Paizo Inc., 2015
  4. ↑ Saif Ansari, et al. “Introduction” in Heroes of Golarion, 2. Paizo Inc., 2019
  5. ↑ Saif Ansari. “Vudra, the Impossible Kingdoms” in Sixty Feet Under, 70. Paizo Inc., 2020
  6. ↑ Benjamin Bruck, et al. “Chapter 4: Racial Options” in Inner Sea Races, 253. Paizo Inc., 2015
  7. ↑ 7.0 7.1 Benjamin Bruck, et al. “Chapter 3: Rare Races” in Inner Sea Races, 189. Paizo Inc., 2015