
From PathfinderWiki
A xyloshi kashrishi.

Source: Impossible Lands, pg(s). 40–45, 331
The kashrishi ancestry has the trait, but the kashrishi evaluator on Impossible Lands 131 does not.

Kashrishi1 resemble short rhinoceros-headed humanoids,2 some of whom have insectile features. They have inherent psychic abilities that make them naturally empathic but also burden them with the knowing the thoughts of others nearby.3


Kashrishi are small, quiet beings with durable frames and distinctive crystalline horns that glow each time they use their psychic abilities. Most have light-colored skin of sandy or gray tones with coloration that might include the color of their horns.3

As they are capable of evolving new features over a single generation, some kashrishi also have an additional adaptive features, such the secondary pair of small arms that allow athamasi kashrishi to climb with ease. Many such evolutions are inspired by specific creatures, such as rhinoceros beetles or giant water bugs.3 Such adaptations typically manifest before a kashrishi reaches adulthood, though some unlock latent adaptive potential later in their lives.4


The oldest Kashrishi stories describe a dangerous journey over the Obari Ocean while fleeing a disaster in their distant past.5


Nearly all kashrishi live in either large communities on the islands surrounding Jalmeray or in small communities on the nation's main island. Few travel beyond the Impossible Lands.5

As a result of their psychic empathy, most kashrishi default to being good, honest, and kind, and while tactful they always try to avoid both deception and harm to others' feelings. Their civilization is based on the benefits of the community, and kashrishi often engage in games involving teamwork, bluffing, and mental clarity (though they avoid gambling with outsiders).5

Due to their empathetic nature kashrishi do not have a clear concept of charity, as the idea of helping one another is already their natural state. Acts of cruelty, however, spark community-wide emotional turmoil.5

Kashrishi empathy makes them naturally skilled diplomats and hospitable hosts, but they have no tolerance for outside conflicts encroaching on their territories. This often makes kashrishi island communities havens for pirates and criminals seeking sanctuary from those hunting them.5

Most kashrishi relationships are monogamous and gender-agnostic, with the most intimate act being to fully open their psychic link with another kashrishi for completely holistic and honest communication. Some kashrishi believe that their psychic communication should be limited to such intimate moments.5


Kashrishi tend to avoid eating meat since they also consume the slain creature's lingering psychic energy. Most kashrishi eat a combination of fruits, vegetables, nuts, and lentils, and combine flavors in ways that sate their extrasensory tastes. Other ancestries find kashrishi cuisine to be adventurously eccentric, and kashrishi chefs can take advantage of this and profit.2


Instead of spoken names, kashrishi identify each other through a psychic signature, or mental fingerprint, that is unique to each kashrishi. When traveling with people of other ancestries, kashrishi typically adopt simple, descritpive names, such as "Cliimber", "Tempest", or "Warrior".4


Few kashrishi become adventurers, and most who take up adventuring began out of necessity rather than choice. Lethoci and trogloshi kashrishi sometimes branch out of their island communities to found new colonies or in pursuit of adventure, and other types might choose to leave their communities due to overcrowding.4

Kashrishi adventurers' psychic and occult abilities to ward away enemies and make friends naturally lead most to become bards, champions, and psychics.4


Most kashrishi prefer the benefits of the inherently deep empathetic connections within their communities over religion. Those who do worship often select a deity worshiped in Jalmeray.6 Kashrishi Desnans worship her aspect of the Crystal Butterfly and pray to her when a kashrishi child goes missing.5

Kashrishi who focus on sea creatures and storms worship Besmara, though they tend to ignore her piratical aspects.5


See also: Category:Kashrishi/Inhabitants

Kashrishi are uncommon enough that most people on Golarion outside of Jalmeray are unaware of their existence. The few who travel are often mistaken for the results of experiments or an extraplanar being.4

The evolutionary varietey of kashrishi results in myriad distinct types which share their short, stout frames and physical strength. The most common type are xyloshis, who have prominent neck muscles and between one to three secondary horns.34

Other types include:

  • Athamasi, who have a secondary set of small arms used for dangling from or climbing trees4
  • Lethoci, adept swimmers adapted to living near water4
  • Trogloshi, who have adapted to sunless and underground regions and have unpigmented skin and clear horns4


  1. The singular and plural forms of kashrishi are the same.
  2. 2.0 2.1 Mariam Ahmad, et al. “Bestiary” in Impossible Lands, 331. Paizo Inc., 2022
  3. 3.0 3.1 3.2 3.3 Mariam Ahmad, et al. “People of the Impossible Lands” in Impossible Lands, 40. Paizo Inc., 2022
  4. 4.0 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5 4.6 4.7 4.8 Mariam Ahmad, et al. “People of the Impossible Lands” in Impossible Lands, 42. Paizo Inc., 2022
  5. 5.0 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 5.5 5.6 5.7 Mariam Ahmad, et al. “People of the Impossible Lands” in Impossible Lands, 41. Paizo Inc., 2022
  6. Mariam Ahmad, et al. “People of the Impossible Lands” in Impossible Lands, 44. Paizo Inc., 2022

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