From PathfinderWiki
The Maidensnarl is a large woodland covering about 600 square miles in the north of the county of Canterwall in Ustalav. It lies in the land between the Vistear River and the Lamand River, north of Lake Lias and south-east of the county seat at Tamrivena.1
Political survey
- Anactoria
- Ardagh
- Ardis
- Aton's Field
- Berus
- Bladswell
- Caliphas
- Carrion Hill
- Castle Odranto
- Cesca
- Chastel
- Chateau Douleurs
- Corvischior
- Courtaud
- Dunhob
- Eran's Rest
- Grayce
- Hyannis
- Illmarsh
- Karcau
- Kavapesta
- Lepidstadt
- Marian Leigh
- Morast
- Morcei
- Ravengro
- Redleaf
- Rookhill
- Rozenport
- Ruwido
- Satravah
- Sen's Pass
- Sturnidae
- Tamrivena
- Thrushmoor
- Tolbau
- Vauntil
- Vische
- Wait's Span
Ancient monuments and ruins
Castles and fortifications
Dragon's lair
Geographical survey
Forests and woodlands
Bays and lakes
Marshes and swamps
Mountains, passes, and valleys
- Bainecreek
- Barrow Run
- Brookwall
- Buestral River
- Calscroix River
- Carabosse River
- Carew River
- Cronefall
- Crosscreek
- Danver River
- Delgavia River
- Detstach River
- Droa River
- High Senir
- Kansorro River
- Kingfisher River
- Lamand River
- Lesser Moutray River
- Mesmos River
- Millrun River
- Mothburn
- Moutray River
- Nicklecross River
- North Lamand
- Orphield River
- The Path, or the Path River
- Raiteso River
- Redwool River
- River of Scales
- Seaugustae River
- Senir River
- South Lamand
- Troll's Tail
- Twinetongue River
- Vhatsuntide River
- Vistear River
- West Sellen River