Kreighton Shaine

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Kreighton Shaine
Kreighton Shaine

Source: Inner Sea Magic, pg(s). 7 (1E)
Lost Omens Pathfinder Society Guide, pg(s). 42 (2E)

Venture-Captain Kreighton Shaine holds the title of Master of Scrolls within Absalom's Pathfinder Society.12

Shaine is considered strange and absent-minded to his Pathfinder peers, but his abilities in solving puzzles and codes more than make up for his eccentricities.3 His teaching style is heavy with tangential discussions and eccentric presentation, such as rhyming lectures and unexpected midnight trivial competitions.2


For additional as-yet unincorporated sources about this subject, see the Meta page.

  1. Tim Hitchcock, et al. “Welcome to the Pathfinder Society” in Seekers of Secrets, 12. Paizo Inc., 2009
  2. 2.0 2.1 Kate Baker, et al. “Chapter 2: Pathfinder Society Factions” in Pathfinder Society Guide, 42. Paizo Inc., 2020
  3. Larry Wilhelm. The Immortal Conundrum, 4. Paizo Inc., 2011
Kreighton Shaine is mentioned in the following works:
WorkThis entity is best represented by this wikipage.ReleaseThe release date or a partial release date.
The Immortal ConundrumNovember 2011
The God's Market GambleMarch 2012
Grand Convocation 47128 July 2012
Ruins of Bonekeep Level 2: Maze of the Mind SlaveAugust 2013
Siege of the Diamond CityAugust 2013
The ConfirmationNovember 2013
The Technic SiegeAugust 2014
Ruins of Bonekeep Level 3: The Wakening TombAugust 2014
Legacy of the StonelordsAugust 2014
The Overflow Archives26 February 2015
Siege of SerpentsMay 2015
Serpent's RiseMay 2015
The Sky Key SolutionJuly 2015
The Blakros Connection28 October 2015
Captive in Crystal30 December 2015
Abducted in Aether25 May 2016
What The Helms Hide27 March 2019
The Absalom Initiation1 August 2019
Origin of the Open Road17 August 2019
The Pathfinder Trials27 January 2021
The Second Confirmation25 August 2021
Cavern of the Sundered Song1 June 2022
Student Exchange24 April 2023