Guaril Karela

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Guaril Karela
Guaril Karela

Varisia (But resides in Absalom)
Source: Pathfinder Society Field Guide, pg(s). 20

Guaril Karela is the mastermind behind most of the Sczarni activity in and around Absalom and Varisia, a criminal empire he grew from a small operation in Absalom in 4709 AR to a dominant position among Sczarni families by 4713 AR. He keeps a low profile, once working the counter of his curio shop in the Docks, the Pickled Imp, and later going into hiding as his Varisian ambitions generated several powerful new enemies.12

Qadiran Trade Prince Aaqir al'Hakam approached Guaril in 4714 AR to join The Exchange, a new trade syndicate formed from the assets of the former Qadira faction of the Pathfinder Society.


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Guaril Karela is mentioned in the following works:
WorkThis entity is best represented by this wikipage.ReleaseThe release date or a partial release date.
In Service to LoreJuly 2011
Pagoda of the Rat (scenario)May 2012
The Goblinblood DeadJuly 2012
The Golden SerpentJuly 2012
Storming the Diamond GateJuly 2012
Grand Convocation 47128 July 2012
The Golemworks IncidentAugust 2012
King of the Storval StairsAugust 2012
Severing TiesOctober 2012
Way of the Kirin (scenario)May 2013
Halls of Dwarven LoreMay 2013
Rivalry's EndJuly 2013
The Wardstone PatrolAugust 2013
You Have What You HoldOctober 2013
A Bitter BargainJanuary 2014
The Stranger WithinApril 2014
The Paths We ChooseAugust 2014
Trouble in Tamran30 September 2015
The Cindersworn Pact30 November 2016
Cleansed with Fire21 December 2016
The Bloodcove BlockadeFebruary 2018
The Burden of Envy29 January 2020