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Sewer Dragon tribe

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Sewer Dragon tribe
Sewer Dragon tribe

Source: Kobolds of Golarion, pg(s). 11

The Sewer Dragon tribe, or the Sewer Dragons, is a tribe of kobolds that dwell in the sewers of Absalom. They have an aptitude for navigating tight spaces, mapping complex underground areas, and digging new passageways, all skills that are highly sought after. The tribe first tunneled into the drainage system in 4696 AR.1

The Sewer Dragons, as a tribe, happily accept any kobold willing to work, leading to a much more varied range of colouration than found in other tribes.1 According to rumours, they can provide discreet tunneling and trapmaking services to various noble houses.2

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Prior to 4713 AR, the tribe's leader was Kibizax, an aging but ambitious chieftain with expansionist ideals. His likely successors were the clutchmates Yiddlepode and Yippitok who both worked in secret to undermine the chief's more foolish schemes, attempting to institute a more stable rule. Only Kibizax's plea could bring forth Lirovelix, the tribe's blue dragon mascot.2

In 4713 AR, a team of Pathfinders headed by Venture-Captain Drandle Dreng defeated Kibizax and formed an alliance with the Sewer Dragons, with Yiddlepode assuming the mantle of chief.34 As a result of this alliance, members of the Sewer Dragons began enrolling in the Pathfinder Society.5


As of 4711 AR, the tribe's headquarters were a forgotten Ivy District Taldan opera house that over time has had two stories of buildings constructed atop it.6


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