The Seventh Execution/Index
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This is an index of all the relevant terms from Amber E. Scott's Pathfinder Tales story The Seventh Execution, published in serial fashion on the Paizo website. (link)
Each entry connects to the Pathfinder Wiki's article on the subject unless the subject is very minor, when a description is placed within this index. The number after the entry refers to the Chapter in which the term can be found.
1. The Watcher Watched - September 7, 2011 - link
2. The Faithful False - September 14, 2011 - link
3. The Fettered Freed - September 21, 2011 - link
BBradach 2, 3 CChelaxian 3 DDevil 1 EEdme 1–3 |
GGalt 1–3 HIIsarn 1, 2 MMirford 3 |
RRazor Jenni 1–3 STTibeth 1–3 WWizard 2, 3 |