Bazaar of Sails

From PathfinderWiki

The Bazaar of Sails is the largest free market in Varisia. Located in Dockway, in the Shore region of Magnimar, the Bazaar of Sails is adjacent to the waterfront, wedged between the Seacleft and the Varisian Gulf, and nearly under the Shadow of the Irespan.

The Bazaar of Sails is probably the busiest district of the city, filled with the hustle and bustle of traders from dozens of nations all competing for space, attention, and profit. From Osirian spices to Andoren wood to Chelaxian clothing, the markets are filled with goods of every sort. With such a variety of wealth on display one might imagine the district to be riddled with crime, but it is well policed, though not by the Magnimar city watch.

Sabriyya Kalmeralm bears the title "Princess of the Market", which she inherited from her missing father Nazir Kalmeralm; with the title comes the responsibility for keeping the markets reasonably safe through whatever means necessary. Some critics view Sabriyya as little more than Magnimar's most open crime boss, but those who trade in the Bazaar of Sails understand the service she provides even if it sometime requires unsavoury methods.1


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