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The Golemworks is one of the most iconic industries in Magnimar. As its name implies, it produces golems.123


Located in the Bridgeward district near the northern section of the Irespan, from the outside, the Golemworks look like a set of rather unremarkable warehouses. Inside the building artisans help create golems and simpler constructs using fallen blocks from the Irespan. Most of these blocks were dredged from the Varisian Gulf as, after the tragic events of 4623 AR, removing stone from the bridge itself has been banned.12


Nearly thirty years ago, Toth Bhreacher discovered that the stones of the Irespan proved very useful in any sort of magic with the most obvious application in the creation of stone based constructs. Since then his operation has transformed from a small wizard's studio into a full blown industry.12


Wizards and those skilled in alchemy can become apprentices at the Golemworks. These chosen few specialize in transmutation or crafting skills, and some focus on general studies that aid in construction.4


One of the more popular items manufactured for sale by the Golemworks is the angelic guardian.5


The symbol for the Golemworks is a clenched fist, the back of which is embossed with a diagonally placed, crenellated tower and chisel.4


For additional as-yet unincorporated sources about this subject, see the Meta page.

  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 F. Wesley Schneider. Magnimar” in The Skinsaw Murders, 61. Paizo Inc., 2007
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 Jim Zubkavich & Adam Daigle. City of Secrets 6, 26. Dynamite Entertainment, 2014
  3. As of the Pathfinder Second Edition Remaster Project and Monster Core, golems are no longer a family of constructs with shared or similar traits. Several individual types of golems were renamed to have generic, standalone names. A canon replacement for this construct or its golem-specific properties might not exist.
  4. 4.0 4.1 F. Wesley Schneider, et al. “Magic & Faith in Varisia” in Varisia, Birthplace of Legends, 12. Paizo Inc., 2012
  5. Adam Daigle & James Jacobs. “Denizens” in Magnimar, City of Monuments, 52. Paizo Inc., 2012