From PathfinderWiki
Nybor, founded in 4641 AR,1 is perhaps the most racially accepting settlement in Varisia and ranks highly among the list in all of Golarion.2 Located on the southern shores of Ember Lake and bordering the Sanos Forest,3 the peaceful farming community has a more half-breeds per capita than any other Varisian city. Interracial marriages are not only tolerated, but promoted, making it a haven for those who find themselves in precarious situations involving illicit pregnancies and other affairs which might be judged harshly in more puritanical locations.2 Being so close to the Sanos Forest, Nybor is also home to a sizeable gnome population.4
- ↑ Adam Daigle & James Jacobs. “Magnimar” in Magnimar, City of Monuments, 5. Paizo Inc., 2012
- ↑ 2.0 2.1 James L. Sutter. “Varisia” in The Hook Mountain Massacre, 69. Paizo Inc., 2007
- ↑ James L. Sutter. “Varisia” in The Hook Mountain Massacre, 62. Paizo Inc., 2007
- ↑ F. Wesley Schneider. Rise of the Runelords Player's Guide, 7. Paizo Inc., 2007
Major cities
Mountains, hills, and valleys
- Bloodsworn Vale
- Calphiak Mountains
- Curchain Hills
- Devil's Platter
- Fenwall Mountains
- Fogscar Mountains
- Fogwall Cliffs
- The Gnashers
- Hollow Mountain
- Hook Mountain
- Iron Peaks
- Kodar Mountains
- Malgorian Mountains
- Mindspin Mountains
- Ravenroost
- Red Mountains
- Rift of Niltak
- Rigg's Tors
- Rimeskull
- Shy Hills
- Stony Mountains
- Storval Rise
- Task's Tors
- Valley of the Black Tower
- Velashu Uplands
- Wyvern Mountains
Rivers, lakes, and bodies of water
- Aloren River
- River Avah
- Biston's Pond
- Blue River
- Bunyip Bay
- Chavali River
- Claybottom Lake
- Conqueror's Bay
- Cougar Creek
- Elytus River
- Ember Lake
- Falcon River
- Foxglove River
- Jeggare River
- Kazaron River
- Lady's Lagoon
- Lampblack River
- Malgorian River
- Muschkal River
- Ooze River
- Outcast's Cove
- Pusbubble Lake
- Runtash River
- Sarwin River
- Lake Coal
- Lake Ghaulos
- Lake Skotha
- Skull River
- Slug Creek
- Sog's Bay
- Soggy River
- Stalak River
- Steam River
- Steaming Sea
- Lake Stormunder
- Lake Syrantula
- Storval Deep
- Storval River
- Thistle River
- Turandarok River
- Varisian Gulf
- Velashu River
- Yondabakari River
- Weasel Creek
Plains and plateaus
Other locations of interest
- Acropolis of the Thrallkeepers
- Black Tower
- Brinewall
- Cavern of Many Mouths
- Chorak's Tomb
- Cindermaw's Feeding Grounds
- Crystalrock
- Crystilan
- Desgard's Thousand Columns
- Gruankus
- Guiltspur
- House of the Moon
- Jorgenfist
- Justnoque
- Kallow Mounds
- Lady's Cape
- The Lady's Light
- Minderhal's Anvil
- Mobhad Leigh
- Mundatei
- Skull's Crossing
- Spindlehorn
- Spire of Lemriss
- Storval Stairs
- Sunken Queen
- Temple of Gogunta
- Viperwall
- Windsong Abbey
- Wormwood Hall
- Xin-Bakrakhan
- Xin-Eurythnia
- Xin-Haruka
Magnimar, City of Monuments
- Aspis Consortium
- Breakbag goblins
- Brotherhood of the Seven or Brothers of the Seven
- Eyes of the Hawk
- The Gargoyles
- Hidden Cult of Norgorber, including Night Scales; Skinsaw Cult
- Magnimar city guard
- Magnimar city watch
- Magnimar Navy
- Midnight Dawn
- Mystery Cultists
- Nightsoil Marauders
- Order of the Nail (Hellknights)
- Pathfinder Society
- Rushlight Society
- Sczarni, including Creepers, Doolun's Lads, the Gallowed, the Tower Girls, the Twincandles, the Washside Wringers, and the Wreckwash Blades
- Seafoam Tribe
- Sewer Goblins
- Shoanti
- Steelwhiskers Clan
- Vaor Family
- Wardens of the Eye
City districts
Neighbourhoods listed in italics
Locations of importance
- Alabaster Park
- Aquaretum
- The Battle of Charda monument
- The Celwynvian Charge
- Cenotaph
- Eyes of the Hawk monument
- The Fifth Wind
- Founder's Flame
- Founder's Honor
- Gilded Cage
- The Guardians
- Harpy's Fine Art
- Indros cul Vydrarch monument
- Irespan, including the ten Irespan Pilings: The Crow; The Firepelt; The Gecko; The Gull; The Harpy; The Osprey; The Rat; The Salmon; The Shark; The Whale
- Lord-Mayor's Menagerie
- Mapstone Monument
- Mistress of Angels
- Ordellia's Townhouse
- Our Lady of Blessed Waters
- Parade Grounds
- Seacleft Spire
- Serpent's Run
- The Shadow Clock
- Triodea
- Bakers' Guild
- Benevolent Order of Scribes
- Brewers' Guild
- Butchers' Union
- Carpenters' Guild
- Carvers' Guild
- Cobblers' Guild
- Coopers' Guild
- Council of Farmers and Grocers
- Dungsweepers' Guild (including Maidens' Midden)
- Fancy Reefclaw
- Fellowship of Bartenders and Innkeepers
- Frehgan's smithy
- Glassblowers' Guildhall
- Goldsmiths' Guild
- Golemworks
- Groomers' Guild
- Guild of Apothecaries and Physicians
- Guild of Carters and Coachmen
- Hunters' Guild
- League of Jewelers
- Locksmiths' Guild
- Mariska Knackery
- Merchants' Guild & Merchants' Guildhall
- Most Excellent Order of Smiths
- Outcast Fishery
- Outcast's Cove
- Quarriers' Guild
- Red Kestrel Imports
- Ropeworks
- Seven's Sawmill
- Shipmakers' Guild
- Solemn Order of Sages, Librarians, and Teachers
- Stablemasters' Guild
- Steelwhiskers' Emporium
- Swift Dolphin Warehouse
- Tailors' Guild
- Washers' Row
- Bastion of the Nail
- The Burn
- Cathedral of Abadar
- Church of Pharasma (Magnimar)
- Cynosure Tower
- Deadeye Lodge
- Dome of the Savored Sting
- Founder's Archive
- Heidmarch Manor
- Lost Lane
- Magnimar's sewers
- Museum of Ages
- Paleankari House
- Ravenfoot Corner
- School of the Four Winds
- Shrine of Sarenrae
- Sodden Crypt
- Stone of the Seers
- Temple of Iomedae
- Two-Lights
- Arvensoar
- Bronze House
- Charterhouse
- Defiant's Garden
- Derexhi Villa
- Deverin Villa
- Embassy Building
- The Fish Tank
- Floodfire
- Fort Indros
- Foxglove Townhouse
- The Gull
- Harbormaster
- The Hells
- House of Lords
- Impound Yard
- Jaijarko Castle
- Kaddren Villa
- Kaijitsu Townhouse or Kaijitsu Villa
- Mindurian Villa
- Nirodin Villa
- Pediment Building
- The Rat
- Rose and Rake Theater
- Sandpoint Mercantile League
- Scarnetti Villa
- Usher's Hall
- Valdemar Villa
- Vanderale Villa
- Varisian Council
- Versade Villa
- The Wyrmwatch
- Basilisk's Eye
- Blue Bunyip
- Captain's Club
- The Courtesan and Unicorn
- The Dreaming Dryad
- Drunken Dog
- Electrum Steps
- Feirges's
- Friendly Merchant
- Gilded Cage
- Hammer and Stone
- House of Welcome
- Left-Handed Lobster
- Matador's Lodge
- No-Horn
- The Old Fang
- Old Sword
- Osprey Club
- The Pig
- Rag and Garter
- Rose and Rake Theater
- Scarlet Fog
- Seerspring Garden
- The Shucked Oyster
- Silken Bowl
- Sock and Buskin
- Street of Taverns
- Tessik's
- Whale's Belly
Roads, thoroughfares, plazas, and squares
- Arvensoar Square
- The Ascent
- Avalos Lane
- Avenue of Honors
- Avenue of Hours
- Avenue of Sails
- Barrel Way
- Bent Rib Alley
- Boulevard of Messengers
- Brewer's Dale
- Callowcaulk Street
- Castlegate
- Champion's Walk
- Dachari Avenue
- Dry Way
- Fishball Way
- Founder's Processional
- Hourglass Lane
- Indros cul Vydrarch Plaza
- Kindrucker Street
- Lantern Row
- Lemnius Lane
- Lord-Mayor's March
- Lost Coast Road
- Lost Lane
- Mourner's Plaza
- Mushfens Road
- Pacification Boulevard
- Sand Rope Way
- Settlement Street
- Splitriver Way
- The Sprint
- Starsilver Plaza
- Street of Strays
- Street of Taverns
- Street of White Dust
- Trade Way
- Twins' Gate
- Washers' Row
- Way of Arches
- Wheatman's Lane
- Yondabakari Road
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