Fenwall Mountains

From PathfinderWiki

The Fenwall Mountains separate the Mushfens from the fertile lands surrounding Korvosa. The Fenwall Mountains are thought to be infested with monsters, but the rich veins of metal that run beneath them still draw many prospectors.1 These prospectors vary from loners and outcasts trying to strike it rich to far larger operations sponsored by major trading houses, especially Korvosa-based operations.2

While these mountains are dotted with these prospecting operations, they are far from tame, and the civilizing effect of these mines is negligible.3 The ore that is mined there is loaded onto barges in the town of Baslwief and shipped via the Sarwin River to towns such as Palin's Cove, where it can be processed further.4

Millennia ago, the Fenwall Mountains were also the location of a subterranean summoning vault used by a cult of thaumaturgists known as the Thrallkeepers.1
