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Korvosa, the modern city built on the site of Xin-Eurythnia.
The ancient city of Xin-Eurythnia was the capital of the Thassilonian realm of Lust, Eurythnia. Ruled by the Runelord Sorshen, it was destroyed during the cataclysmic events that followed Earthfall in -5293 AR. The modern Varisian city-state of Korvosa is built in the exact same location, and a few ancient remnants of the capital still survive.1
- ↑ Robert G. McCreary. “Runelords of Thassilon” in The Dead Heart of Xin, 73. Paizo Inc., 2013
Notable inhabitants (living and dead)
- Paravicar Acillmar
- Aeysha
- Albin
- Darvayne Gios Amprei
- Lady Andaisin
- Madame Angelica
- Arbust Arabasti
- King Cardraith Arabasti
- Queen Domina Arabasti
- King Eodred Arabasti I
- King Eodred Arabasti II
- Queen Ileosa Arabasti
- Venster Arabasti
- Endrik Archerus
- Lord Garath Arkona of Korvosa
- Lord Glorio Arkona
- Jenkson Arkona
- Melyia Arkona
- Avigail
- Vaultmaster Bahasaran
- Bahor
- Bartheleme
- Devargo Barvasi
- Basha
- Jayden Baslwief
- Bettina
- Jhenni Biston
- Theodore Black
- Blackjack
- Guildmaster Boule
- Laccius Brawm
- Nivek Bromathan
- Lord Valdur Bromathan IV
- Nella Cailean
- Goupie Capabopple
- Ausio Carowyn
- Olauren Carowyn
- Madame Carrington & Giurescu
- Jope Chantsmo
- Mercer Cucuteni
- Dandra
- Theandra Darklight
- Bishop Keppira d'Bear
- Paralictor Myrkrina Delfiero
- Dengaro
- Narris Devane
- Abanmi Dhatri
- Ishani Dhatri
- Vavana Dhatri
- Diogorgio
- Lictor Severs DiViri
- Nurin Dutirrinog
- Miior Duvanti
- Brieanna Endrin
- Lucien Endrin
- Commandant Marcus Thalassinus Endrin
- Mina Endrin
- Ponchus Endrin
- Waydon Endrin
- Saint Alika Epakena
- Finwick
- Telmayne Fire-Eyes
- Zeeva Foxglove
- Magistrate of Expenditures Syl Gar
- Portenus Gaskelinni
- Tepest Geezlebottle
- Girrigz
- Moses Greeley
- Aximondi Har
- Sarwin Harse
- Schwed Harse
- Asa Hemrich
- Hessim
- Mercival Jeggare
- Montlarion Jeggare
- Dr. Kalendrel
- Seneschal Neolandus Kalepopolis
- Perishial Kalissreavil
- Mina Kendall
- Kep
- Key-Lock Killer
- Field Marshal Jakthion Korvosa
- Field Marshal Cressida Kroft
- Gaedren Lamm
- Lantern Man
- Silas Ledbetter
- Lord-Magistrate Dess Leroung
- Lady Eliasia Leroung
- Lady Jessa Leroung
- Seraphina Leroung
- Lorthact
- Mapras
- Marlessa
- Marrow
- Mason
- Jorsh Melfesh
- Sabina Merrin
- Veranada Mezzerae
- Deyanira Mirukova
- Ruan Mirukova
- Mother of Thorns
- Naticia
- Somar Nevinoff
- Newby
- Majeed Nores
- Ol' Hooktooth
- Oriana
- Vencarlo Orisini
- Orkatto
- Fedele Ornelos
- Remsev Ornelos
- Toff Ornelos
- Lord Volshyenek Ornelos
- Dr. Orontius
- Touran Palastus
- Captain Keyra Palin
- Tauk Par
- Patch
- Jakthion Peltherianon
- Magistrate Lolia Perenne
- Vadid Pestico
- Chadris Porphyria
- King Chadris Porphyria III
- Xanen Ptal
- Ramthos
- Raneiro
- Archbishop Ornher Reebs
- Thaviun Rigulus
- Madame Rosea
- Trinia Sabor
- Sage
- Samp
- Sally Scrabblebones
- Salvator Scream
- Costa Serimus
- Asnaan Sharoosh
- Shyne
- Phaeton Skoda
- Destin Smish
- Grau Soldado
- Pilts Swastel
- Magistrate of Commerce Garrick Tann
- Tarla
- Kynndors Thok
- Sagitar Tiguan
- Sir Gyrad Tolgrith
- Baris Trenchlow
- Archbanker Darb Tuttle
- Twenty-Who-Are-One
- Kelles Vel
- Yaris Verso
- Lord Amycus Viamio
- Vimanda
- Messida Vost
- Mistress of Blades Maidrayne Vox
- Lord Eustace Waldridge
- Giles Warrick
- Gasta Weagra
- Xenoxanthus
- Zellara Esmeranda
- Lord Lacertus Zenderholm
- Lady Mulsanne Zenderholm
- Zenobia Zenderholm
- Zrob
- Marnay Zyrvana
City districts and wards with notable locations
Wards listed with light pink boxes as headers
- Aram's Crown
- Bailer's Retreat
- Basha's Maps
- Bookmaker
- Citadel Volshyenek
- Creaky Hammock
- Doom and Gloom
- Enderin's Wall
- Eodred Circle
- Eodred's Square
- Eodred's Walk
- Fair-Fished Baitshop
- Galloping Ghost
- Gemshare Jewelers
- Gold Market
- Hedge Wizardry
- High Bridge
- High Bridge Haberdashery
- Kep's
- Pestico's Dolls and Figurines
- Pillar Wall
- Pinking Shears
- Slicing Dicers
- Smoked Foods
- Time Stop
- Trapper's Hole
- Breakwater Pier
- Collegium Scientifica
- Fever Dream Alley
- Finwick and Marrow Carnival
- Greeley's Den
- Hook Street House
- The Lamplighters
- Ledbetter's Apothecary
- Library of Thought
- Madame Carrington's Oneiromancery
- Night Market
- The Old Wall
- Quill and Inkwell
- Red Oliphaunt
- Rodenthome
- Rook's Roost
- Sylvestri and Company
- The Truth and Light
- The Winding Way
- The World's Stage
- Copper-Beater Hall
- Eel's End
- Endrin Military Academy
- Exemplary Execrables
- Fort Korvosa
- Garrison Hill
- Hessim, Newby, and Sage Paint Manufactory
- The Ironworks
- Jeggare's Jug
- Narrows of Saint Alika
- Old City Hall
- Orisini Academy
- Palace Arkona
- Reefclaw Run Market & Fountain
- Septagon
- Sticky Mermaid
- Temple of Aroden
- The Travelling Man
Roads, thoroughfares, plazas, squares, and bridges
- Academic Avenue
- Aerie Street
- Anita Street
- Arbiter Way
- Arcane Avenue
- Arkona Street
- Avenue of Arms
- Baker Street
- Bloodsworn Road
- Breach Avenue
- Bromathan Street
- Burnt Bridge Boulevard
- Captain Street
- Citadel Road
- Citadel Street
- Cliffcrest Street
- Crest Circle East
- Crest Circle West
- Dead Shoanti Way
- Dock Street
- Domina Square
- Domina Street
- Dwarfwalk Road
- East High Street
- Endrin Avenue
- Endrin Square
- Eodred Circle
- Eodred Street
- Eodred's Walk
- Fiddleback Way
- Field Marshal Avenue
- Field Marshal Way
- Fifth Street
- First Street
- Fort Korvosa Boulevard
- Fourth Street
- Guard Street
- Harborview Boulevard North
- Harborview Boulevard South
- High Bridge
- Hillcrest Street
- Hilltop Street
- Hook Street
- Jeggare Circle
- Jeggare Street
- Kendall Plaza
- Kroft Boulevard
- Last Way
- Leroung Street
- Mainshore Boulevard
- Merciless Way North
- Merciless Way South
- Nacre Street
- North Bridge
- North Castle Street
- Northgate Avenue
- North Seneshal Street
- Ornelos Street
- Overton Way
- Palin Street
- Pearl Street
- Pillar Hill Boulevard
- Plaza of Scions
- Ramp Boulevard
- Ridgefield Road
- Saint Alika Street
- St. Alika Way
- Scuttling Way
- Second Street
- Shale Street
- Shoreline Way
- Shrouded Way
- Siegebreak Circle
- South Castle Street
- South Seneshal Street
- South Shore Square
- Summoning Street
- Sunrise Boulevard
- Third Street
- Threemast Street
- University Way
- Volshyenek Loop
- Volshyenek Street
- Warehouse Way
- Wave Street
- Waydon Street
- West High Street
See also: Xin-Eurythnia
Major cities
Mountains, hills, and valleys
- Bloodsworn Vale
- Calphiak Mountains
- Curchain Hills
- Devil's Platter
- Fenwall Mountains
- Fogscar Mountains
- Fogwall Cliffs
- The Gnashers
- Hollow Mountain
- Hook Mountain
- Iron Peaks
- Kodar Mountains
- Malgorian Mountains
- Mindspin Mountains
- Ravenroost
- Red Mountains
- Rift of Niltak
- Rigg's Tors
- Rimeskull
- Shy Hills
- Stony Mountains
- Storval Rise
- Task's Tors
- Valley of the Black Tower
- Velashu Uplands
- Wyvern Mountains
Rivers, lakes, and bodies of water
- Aloren River
- River Avah
- Biston's Pond
- Blue River
- Bunyip Bay
- Chavali River
- Claybottom Lake
- Conqueror's Bay
- Cougar Creek
- Elytus River
- Ember Lake
- Falcon River
- Foxglove River
- Jeggare River
- Kazaron River
- Lady's Lagoon
- Lampblack River
- Malgorian River
- Muschkal River
- Ooze River
- Outcast's Cove
- Pusbubble Lake
- Runtash River
- Sarwin River
- Lake Coal
- Lake Ghaulos
- Lake Skotha
- Skull River
- Slug Creek
- Sog's Bay
- Soggy River
- Stalak River
- Steam River
- Steaming Sea
- Lake Stormunder
- Lake Syrantula
- Storval Deep
- Storval River
- Thistle River
- Turandarok River
- Varisian Gulf
- Velashu River
- Yondabakari River
- Weasel Creek
Plains and plateaus
Other locations of interest
- The Acadaemae
- Acropolis of the Thrallkeepers
- Black Tower
- Brinewall
- Cavern of Many Mouths
- Chorak's Tomb
- Cindermaw's Feeding Grounds
- Crystalrock
- Crystilan
- Desgard's Thousand Columns
- Gruankus
- Guiltspur
- House of the Moon
- Jorgenfist
- Justnoque
- Kallow Mounds
- Lady's Cape
- The Lady's Light
- Minderhal's Anvil
- Mobhad Leigh
- Mundatei
- Skull's Crossing
- Spindlehorn
- Spire of Lemriss
- Storval Stairs
- Sunken Queen
- Temple of Gogunta
- Viperwall
- Windsong Abbey
- Wormwood Hall
- Xin-Bakrakhan
- Xin-Eurythnia
- Xin-Haruka