Sunken Queen

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The Sunken Queen.

The Sunken Queen, once known as the Shining Queen,1 is a partially submerged Thassilonian pyramid built over 10,000 years ago by the Runelord Sorshen2 in what was then the nation of Eurythnia.1 It is located in southern Varisia in an enormous swampland known as the Mushfens, approximately 160 miles west of the city of Korvosa.34

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Each side of the four-sided pyramid is embossed with a bas-relief sculpture of the naked Runelord Sorshen,56 and one side of the structure has sunk so far into the surrounding marsh that the pyramid now rests at a severe angle. Strange, curving towers rise above the pyramid's peak and resemble organic growths of chimneys.7 Legend tells of multiple layers of dangerous catacombs contained within the pyramid holding secrets of ancient Thassilon.8


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  1. 1.0 1.1 Rob Lazzaretti. Rise of the Runelords Map Folio. Paizo Inc., 2008
  2. Tito Leati. “Crown of Fangs” in Crown of Fangs, 49. Paizo Inc., 2008
  3. Tito Leati. “Crown of Fangs” in Crown of Fangs, 7. Paizo Inc., 2008
  4. F. Wesley Schneider, et al. Runescars 5, Appendix. Dynamite Entertainment, 2017
  5. Mike Shel. “Curse of the Lady's Light” in Curse of the Lady's Light, 7. Paizo Inc., 2012
  6. Per James Jacobs, an illustration of the Sunken Queen being struck by Earthfall on Rise of New Thassilon 2 erroneously omits the bas-relief sculpture.
  7. James Jacobs, et al. Varisia” in The Inner Sea World Guide, 197. Paizo Inc., 2011
  8. Adam Daigle & James L. Sutter. Rise of the Runelords Anniversary Edition Player's Guide, 13. Paizo Inc., 2012