Founded in 4536 AR by Sarwin Harse, the town of Harse is an important gateway between Korvosa's inland holdings and its seaward settlements. Positioned at the junction of the Sarwin and Falcon Rivers, the town's twin ferries provide the easiest means of crossing both rivers for travelers in the area.1
The town is built on a narrow strip of land between the Sarwin and Falcon rivers, and has been a river crossing since the time before the Chelaxian arrived. It contains only a few dozen buildings, including a church of Erastil, two grocers, and two taverns (the Spotted Pony, and the Nag Bag). Most of the inhabitants do not live in the village proper, but on isolated farms and ranches spread about the local countryside.2 The town is known for its horse and livestock breeding, and holds a large rodeo at the Harse Market each year to determine Varisia's top riders and animals.34
- ↑ Mike McArtor. “Chapter 2: Places” in Guide to Korvosa, 7. Paizo Inc., 2008
- ↑ Michael Kortes. “A History of Ashes” in A History of Ashes, 8. Paizo Inc., 2008
- ↑ James L. Sutter. “Varisia” in The Hook Mountain Massacre, 70. Paizo Inc., 2007
- ↑ Adam Daigle & James L. Sutter. Rise of the Runelords Anniversary Edition Player's Guide, 8. Paizo Inc., 2012
- Paravicar Acillmar
- Aeysha
- Albin
- Darvayne Gios Amprei
- Lady Andaisin
- Madame Angelica
- Arbust Arabasti
- King Cardraith Arabasti
- Queen Domina Arabasti
- King Eodred Arabasti I
- King Eodred Arabasti II
- Queen Ileosa Arabasti
- Venster Arabasti
- Endrik Archerus
- Lord Garath Arkona of Korvosa
- Lord Glorio Arkona
- Jenkson Arkona
- Melyia Arkona
- Avigail
- Vaultmaster Bahasaran
- Bahor
- Bartheleme
- Devargo Barvasi
- Basha
- Jayden Baslwief
- Bettina
- Jhenni Biston
- Theodore Black
- Blackjack
- Guildmaster Boule
- Laccius Brawm
- Nivek Bromathan
- Lord Valdur Bromathan IV
- Nella Cailean
- Goupie Capabopple
- Ausio Carowyn
- Olauren Carowyn
- Madame Carrington & Giurescu
- Jope Chantsmo
- Mercer Cucuteni
- Dandra
- Theandra Darklight
- Bishop Keppira d'Bear
- Paralictor Myrkrina Delfiero
- Dengaro
- Narris Devane
- Abanmi Dhatri
- Ishani Dhatri
- Vavana Dhatri
- Diogorgio
- Lictor Severs DiViri
- Nurin Dutirrinog
- Miior Duvanti
- Brieanna Endrin
- Lucien Endrin
- Commandant Marcus Thalassinus Endrin
- Mina Endrin
- Ponchus Endrin
- Waydon Endrin
- Saint Alika Epakena
- Finwick
- Telmayne Fire-Eyes
- Zeeva Foxglove
- Magistrate of Expenditures Syl Gar
- Portenus Gaskelinni
- Tepest Geezlebottle
- Girrigz
- Moses Greeley
- Aximondi Har
- Sarwin Harse
- Schwed Harse
- Asa Hemrich
- Hessim
- Mercival Jeggare
- Montlarion Jeggare
- Dr. Kalendrel
- Seneschal Neolandus Kalepopolis
- Perishial Kalissreavil
- Mina Kendall
- Kep
- Key-Lock Killer
- Field Marshal Jakthion Korvosa
- Field Marshal Cressida Kroft
- Gaedren Lamm
- Lantern Man
- Silas Ledbetter
- Lord-Magistrate Dess Leroung
- Lady Eliasia Leroung
- Lady Jessa Leroung
- Seraphina Leroung
- Lorthact
- Mapras
- Marlessa
- Marrow
- Mason
- Jorsh Melfesh
- Sabina Merrin
- Veranada Mezzerae
- Deyanira Mirukova
- Ruan Mirukova
- Mother of Thorns
- Naticia
- Somar Nevinoff
- Newby
- Majeed Nores
- Ol' Hooktooth
- Oriana
- Vencarlo Orisini
- Orkatto
- Fedele Ornelos
- Remsev Ornelos
- Toff Ornelos
- Lord Volshyenek Ornelos
- Dr. Orontius
- Touran Palastus
- Captain Keyra Palin
- Tauk Par
- Patch
- Jakthion Peltherianon
- Magistrate Lolia Perenne
- Vadid Pestico
- Chadris Porphyria
- King Chadris Porphyria III
- Xanen Ptal
- Ramthos
- Raneiro
- Archbishop Ornher Reebs
- Thaviun Rigulus
- Madame Rosea
- Trinia Sabor
- Sage
- Samp
- Sally Scrabblebones
- Salvator Scream
- Costa Serimus
- Asnaan Sharoosh
- Shyne
- Phaeton Skoda
- Destin Smish
- Grau Soldado
- Pilts Swastel
- Magistrate of Commerce Garrick Tann
- Tarla
- Kynndors Thok
- Sagitar Tiguan
- Sir Gyrad Tolgrith
- Baris Trenchlow
- Archbanker Darb Tuttle
- Twenty-Who-Are-One
- Kelles Vel
- Yaris Verso
- Lord Amycus Viamio
- Vimanda
- Messida Vost
- Mistress of Blades Maidrayne Vox
- Lord Eustace Waldridge
- Giles Warrick
- Gasta Weagra
- Xenoxanthus
- Zellara Esmeranda
- Lord Lacertus Zenderholm
- Lady Mulsanne Zenderholm
- Zenobia Zenderholm
- Zrob
- Marnay Zyrvana
- Aram's Crown
- Bailer's Retreat
- Basha's Maps
- Bookmaker
- Citadel Volshyenek
- Creaky Hammock
- Doom and Gloom
- Enderin's Wall
- Eodred Circle
- Eodred's Square
- Eodred's Walk
- Fair-Fished Baitshop
- Galloping Ghost
- Gemshare Jewelers
- Gold Market
- Hedge Wizardry
- High Bridge
- High Bridge Haberdashery
- Kep's
- Pestico's Dolls and Figurines
- Pillar Wall
- Pinking Shears
- Slicing Dicers
- Smoked Foods
- Time Stop
- Trapper's Hole
- Breakwater Pier
- Collegium Scientifica
- Fever Dream Alley
- Finwick and Marrow Carnival
- Greeley's Den
- Hook Street House
- The Lamplighters
- Ledbetter's Apothecary
- Library of Thought
- Madame Carrington's Oneiromancery
- Night Market
- The Old Wall
- Quill and Inkwell
- Red Oliphaunt
- Rodenthome
- Rook's Roost
- Sylvestri and Company
- The Truth and Light
- The Winding Way
- The World's Stage
- Copper-Beater Hall
- Eel's End
- Endrin Military Academy
- Exemplary Execrables
- Fort Korvosa
- Garrison Hill
- Hessim, Newby, and Sage Paint Manufactory
- The Ironworks
- Jeggare's Jug
- Narrows of Saint Alika
- Old City Hall
- Orisini Academy
- Palace Arkona
- Reefclaw Run Market & Fountain
- Septagon
- Sticky Mermaid
- Temple of Aroden
- The Travelling Man
- Academic Avenue
- Aerie Street
- Anita Street
- Arbiter Way
- Arcane Avenue
- Arkona Street
- Avenue of Arms
- Baker Street
- Bloodsworn Road
- Breach Avenue
- Bromathan Street
- Burnt Bridge Boulevard
- Captain Street
- Citadel Road
- Citadel Street
- Cliffcrest Street
- Crest Circle East
- Crest Circle West
- Dead Shoanti Way
- Dock Street
- Domina Square
- Domina Street
- Dwarfwalk Road
- East High Street
- Endrin Avenue
- Endrin Square
- Eodred Circle
- Eodred Street
- Eodred's Walk
- Fiddleback Way
- Field Marshal Avenue
- Field Marshal Way
- Fifth Street
- First Street
- Fort Korvosa Boulevard
- Fourth Street
- Guard Street
- Harborview Boulevard North
- Harborview Boulevard South
- High Bridge
- Hillcrest Street
- Hilltop Street
- Hook Street
- Jeggare Circle
- Jeggare Street
- Kendall Plaza
- Kroft Boulevard
- Last Way
- Leroung Street
- Mainshore Boulevard
- Merciless Way North
- Merciless Way South
- Nacre Street
- North Bridge
- North Castle Street
- Northgate Avenue
- North Seneshal Street
- Ornelos Street
- Overton Way
- Palin Street
- Pearl Street
- Pillar Hill Boulevard
- Plaza of Scions
- Ramp Boulevard
- Ridgefield Road
- Saint Alika Street
- St. Alika Way
- Scuttling Way
- Second Street
- Shale Street
- Shoreline Way
- Shrouded Way
- Siegebreak Circle
- South Castle Street
- South Seneshal Street
- South Shore Square
- Summoning Street
- Sunrise Boulevard
- Third Street
- Threemast Street
- University Way
- Volshyenek Loop
- Volshyenek Street
- Warehouse Way
- Wave Street
- Waydon Street
- West High Street
- Bloodsworn Vale
- Calphiak Mountains
- Curchain Hills
- Devil's Platter
- Fenwall Mountains
- Fogscar Mountains
- Fogwall Cliffs
- The Gnashers
- Hollow Mountain
- Hook Mountain
- Iron Peaks
- Kodar Mountains
- Malgorian Mountains
- Mindspin Mountains
- Ravenroost
- Red Mountains
- Rift of Niltak
- Rigg's Tors
- Rimeskull
- Shy Hills
- Stony Mountains
- Storval Rise
- Task's Tors
- Valley of the Black Tower
- Velashu Uplands
- Wyvern Mountains
- Aloren River
- River Avah
- Biston's Pond
- Blue River
- Bunyip Bay
- Chavali River
- Claybottom Lake
- Conqueror's Bay
- Cougar Creek
- Elytus River
- Ember Lake
- Falcon River
- Foxglove River
- Jeggare River
- Kazaron River
- Lady's Lagoon
- Lampblack River
- Malgorian River
- Muschkal River
- Ooze River
- Outcast's Cove
- Pusbubble Lake
- Runtash River
- Sarwin River
- Lake Coal
- Lake Ghaulos
- Lake Skotha
- Skull River
- Slug Creek
- Sog's Bay
- Soggy River
- Stalak River
- Steam River
- Steaming Sea
- Lake Stormunder
- Lake Syrantula
- Storval Deep
- Storval River
- Thistle River
- Turandarok River
- Varisian Gulf
- Velashu River
- Yondabakari River
- Weasel Creek
- The Acadaemae
- Acropolis of the Thrallkeepers
- Black Tower
- Brinewall
- Cavern of Many Mouths
- Chorak's Tomb
- Cindermaw's Feeding Grounds
- Crystalrock
- Crystilan
- Desgard's Thousand Columns
- Gruankus
- Guiltspur
- House of the Moon
- Jorgenfist
- Justnoque
- Kallow Mounds
- Lady's Cape
- The Lady's Light
- Minderhal's Anvil
- Mobhad Leigh
- Mundatei
- Skull's Crossing
- Spindlehorn
- Spire of Lemriss
- Storval Stairs
- Sunken Queen
- Temple of Gogunta
- Viperwall
- Windsong Abbey
- Wormwood Hall
- Xin-Bakrakhan
- Xin-Eurythnia
- Xin-Haruka