Founder's Archive and Museum of Ages
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(Redirected from Founder's Archive)
The Founder's Archive and the Museum of Ages are cultural and historical institutions that share a joint campus in the Capital District of the Varisian city of Magnimar.1 In Varisia, the museum is rivaled only by the Jeggare Museum in Korvosa.2
- ↑ Adam Daigle & James Jacobs. “Magnimar” in Magnimar, City of Monuments, 16. Paizo Inc., 2012
- ↑ F. Wesley Schneider. Pathfinder Origins 3, Appendix. Dynamite Entertainment, 2015
Magnimar, City of Monuments
- Aspis Consortium
- Breakbag goblins
- Brotherhood of the Seven or Brothers of the Seven
- Eyes of the Hawk
- The Gargoyles
- Hidden Cult of Norgorber, including Night Scales; Skinsaw Cult
- Magnimar city guard
- Magnimar city watch
- Magnimar Navy
- Midnight Dawn
- Mystery Cultists
- Nightsoil Marauders
- Order of the Nail (Hellknights)
- Pathfinder Society
- Rushlight Society
- Sczarni, including Creepers, Doolun's Lads, the Gallowed, the Tower Girls, the Twincandles, the Washside Wringers, and the Wreckwash Blades
- Seafoam Tribe
- Sewer Goblins
- Shoanti
- Steelwhiskers Clan
- Vaor Family
- Wardens of the Eye
City districts
Neighbourhoods listed in italics
Locations of importance
- Alabaster Park
- Aquaretum
- The Battle of Charda monument
- The Celwynvian Charge
- Cenotaph
- Eyes of the Hawk monument
- The Fifth Wind
- Founder's Flame
- Founder's Honor
- Gilded Cage
- The Guardians
- Harpy's Fine Art
- Indros cul Vydrarch monument
- Irespan, including the ten Irespan Pilings: The Crow; The Firepelt; The Gecko; The Gull; The Harpy; The Osprey; The Rat; The Salmon; The Shark; The Whale
- Lord-Mayor's Menagerie
- Mapstone Monument
- Mistress of Angels
- Ordellia's Townhouse
- Our Lady of Blessed Waters
- Parade Grounds
- Seacleft Spire
- Serpent's Run
- The Shadow Clock
- Triodea
- Bakers' Guild
- Benevolent Order of Scribes
- Brewers' Guild
- Butchers' Union
- Carpenters' Guild
- Carvers' Guild
- Cobblers' Guild
- Coopers' Guild
- Council of Farmers and Grocers
- Dungsweepers' Guild (including Maidens' Midden)
- Fancy Reefclaw
- Fellowship of Bartenders and Innkeepers
- Frehgan's smithy
- Glassblowers' Guildhall
- Goldsmiths' Guild
- Golemworks
- Groomers' Guild
- Guild of Apothecaries and Physicians
- Guild of Carters and Coachmen
- Hunters' Guild
- League of Jewelers
- Locksmiths' Guild
- Mariska Knackery
- Merchants' Guild & Merchants' Guildhall
- Most Excellent Order of Smiths
- Outcast Fishery
- Outcast's Cove
- Quarriers' Guild
- Red Kestrel Imports
- Ropeworks
- Seven's Sawmill
- Shipmakers' Guild
- Solemn Order of Sages, Librarians, and Teachers
- Stablemasters' Guild
- Steelwhiskers' Emporium
- Swift Dolphin Warehouse
- Tailors' Guild
- Washers' Row
- Bastion of the Nail
- The Burn
- Cathedral of Abadar
- Church of Pharasma (Magnimar)
- Cynosure Tower
- Deadeye Lodge
- Dome of the Savored Sting
- Founder's Archive
- Heidmarch Manor
- Lost Lane
- Magnimar's sewers
- Museum of Ages
- Paleankari House
- Ravenfoot Corner
- School of the Four Winds
- Shrine of Sarenrae
- Sodden Crypt
- Stone of the Seers
- Temple of Iomedae
- Two-Lights
- Arvensoar
- Bronze House
- Charterhouse
- Defiant's Garden
- Derexhi Villa
- Deverin Villa
- Embassy Building
- The Fish Tank
- Floodfire
- Fort Indros
- Foxglove Townhouse
- The Gull
- Harbormaster
- The Hells
- House of Lords
- Impound Yard
- Jaijarko Castle
- Kaddren Villa
- Kaijitsu Townhouse or Kaijitsu Villa
- Mindurian Villa
- Nirodin Villa
- Pediment Building
- The Rat
- Rose and Rake Theater
- Sandpoint Mercantile League
- Scarnetti Villa
- Usher's Hall
- Valdemar Villa
- Vanderale Villa
- Varisian Council
- Versade Villa
- The Wyrmwatch
- Basilisk's Eye
- Blue Bunyip
- Captain's Club
- The Courtesan and Unicorn
- The Dreaming Dryad
- Drunken Dog
- Electrum Steps
- Feirges's
- Friendly Merchant
- Gilded Cage
- Hammer and Stone
- House of Welcome
- Left-Handed Lobster
- Matador's Lodge
- No-Horn
- The Old Fang
- Old Sword
- Osprey Club
- The Pig
- Rag and Garter
- Rose and Rake Theater
- Scarlet Fog
- Seerspring Garden
- The Shucked Oyster
- Silken Bowl
- Sock and Buskin
- Street of Taverns
- Tessik's
- Whale's Belly
Roads, thoroughfares, plazas, and squares
- Arvensoar Square
- The Ascent
- Avalos Lane
- Avenue of Honors
- Avenue of Hours
- Avenue of Sails
- Barrel Way
- Bent Rib Alley
- Boulevard of Messengers
- Brewer's Dale
- Callowcaulk Street
- Castlegate
- Champion's Walk
- Dachari Avenue
- Dry Way
- Fishball Way
- Founder's Processional
- Hourglass Lane
- Indros cul Vydrarch Plaza
- Kindrucker Street
- Lantern Row
- Lemnius Lane
- Lord-Mayor's March
- Lost Coast Road
- Lost Lane
- Mourner's Plaza
- Mushfens Road
- Pacification Boulevard
- Sand Rope Way
- Settlement Street
- Splitriver Way
- The Sprint
- Starsilver Plaza
- Street of Strays
- Street of Taverns
- Street of White Dust
- Trade Way
- Twins' Gate
- Washers' Row
- Way of Arches
- Wheatman's Lane
- Yondabakari Road