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Gary Kloster

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Gary Kloster

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Gary Kloster is the author of the Pathfinder Tales novel Firesoul. His short fiction has appeared in Clarkesworld, Fantasy, Apex, Intergalactic Medicine Show, and Writers of the Future 25.

Pathfinder credits

Fiction Credits

Title Date Notes
Gods and Crocodiles"Gods and Crocodiles" 1503 March 2015 The Gem, Part 1. Link
Thirty Trees' Treasure"Thirty Trees' Treasure" 1504 April 2015 The Gem, Part 2. Link
Taba's Hunt"Taba's Hunt" 1504 April 2015 The Gem, Part 3. Link
Firesoul 1504 April 2015
Great Beasts"Great Beasts" 1505 May 2015 The Gem, Part 4. Link
See also: Category:Works by Gary Kloster