Fortress of the Stone Giants
0712 December 2007
Rise of the Runelords #4
Hangman's Noose
0801 January 2008
History of Ashes, AA History of Ashes
0807 July 2008
Curse of the Crimson Throne #4
Skeletons of Scarwall
0807 July 2008
Curse of the Crimson Throne #5
Crown of Fangs
0808 August 2008
Curse of the Crimson Throne #6
Shadow in the Sky
0808 August 2008
Second Darkness #1
Children of the Void
0810 October 2008
Second Darkness #2
Armageddon Echo, TheThe Armageddon Echo
0811 November 2008
Second Darkness #3
Endless Night
0812 December 2008
Second Darkness #4
Memory of Darkness, AA Memory of Darkness
0901 January 2009
Second Darkness #5
Prince of Augustana, TheThe Prince of Augustana
0901 January 2009
PFS OGL #00-13
Descent into Midnight
0902 February 2009
Second Darkness #6
Howl of the Carrion King
0904 April 2009
Legacy of Fire #1
House of the Beast
0904 April 2009
Legacy of Fire #2
Dungeon Denizens Revisited
0905 May 2009
Jackal's Price, TheThe Jackal's Price
0905 May 2009
Legacy of Fire #3
End of Eternity, TheThe End of Eternity
0906 June 2009
Legacy of Fire #4
Impossible Eye, TheThe Impossible Eye
0907 July 2009
Legacy of Fire #5
Lyrics of Extinction
0907 July 2009
PFS OGL #00-28
Beyond the Vault of Souls
0907 July 2009
Crypt of the Everflame
0908 August 2009
Final Wish, TheThe Final Wish
0908 August 2009
Legacy of Fire #6
Council of Thieves Player's Guide
0908 August 2009
Cover art
Bastards of Erebus, TheThe Bastards of Erebus
0908 August 2009
Council of Thieves #1
Core Rulebook
0908 August 2009
0910 October 2009
Sixfold Trial, TheThe Sixfold Trial
0910 October 2009
Council of Thieves #2
What Lies in Dust
0912 December 2009
Council of Thieves #3
GameMastery Guide
1006 June 2010
Twofold Demise, TheThe Twofold Demise
1006 June 2010
PFS 1e #00-52
Jester's Fraud, TheThe Jester's Fraud
1007 July 2010
PFS 1e #00-56
Advanced Player's Guide
1008 August 2010
Red Revolution
1009 September 2010
PFS 1e #02-05
Bestiary 2
1012 December 2010
Inner Sea World Guide, TheThe Inner Sea World Guide
1103 March 2011
Goblins of Golarion
1108 August 2011
Beginner Box
1110 October 2011
Also contributed to the GM Kit and Player's Pack
Bestiary 3
1112 December 2011
Dog Pharaoh's Tomb, TheThe Dog Pharaoh's Tomb
1112 December 2011
PFS 1e #03-12
Rise of the Runelords Anniversary Edition
1207 July 2012
Varisia, Birthplace of Legends
1208 August 2012
Bestiary Box
1208 August 2012
Rise of the Runelords Pawn Collection
1209 September 2012
Skull & Shackles Adventure Path Pawn Collection
1211 November 2012
Ultimate Campaign
1305 May 2013
Rise of the Runelords Base Set
1308 August 2013
Card art
Shattered Star Adventure Path Pawn Collection
1308 August 2013
Bestiary 2 Box
1308 August 2013
Bestiary 3 Box
1401 January 2014
Wrath of the Righteous Adventure Path Pawn Collection
1406 June 2014
On the Horizon
1410 October 2014
PACGS #00-00A
Inner Sea Pawn Box
1501 January 2015
Test of Tar Kuata
1504 April 2015
PFS 1e #06-19
Phantom Phenomena
1508 August 2015
PFS 1e Quest #4
Inner Sea Races
1509 September 2015
Giantslayer Adventure Path Pawn Collection
1509 September 2015
Summon Monster Pawn Collection
1511 November 2015
Twisted Circle, TheThe Twisted Circle
1512 December 2015
PFS 1e #07-12
Dead Man's Debt
1606 June 2016
PFS 1e #07-24
Portent's Peril
1608 August 2016
PFS 1e #08-01
Pathfinder Society Pawn Collection
1608 August 2016
We Be Goblins!
1609 September 2016
PACGS #02B-1
Curse of the Crimson Throne
1610 October 2016
Secrets of the Endless Sky
1612 December 2016
PFS 1e #08-10
Curse of the Crimson Throne Pawn Collection
1612 December 2016
Bestiary 6
1704 April 2017
On Sevenfingers's Sails
1903 March 2019
PFS 1e #10-17
Tyrant's Grasp Pawn Collection
1909 September 2019
Death's Vengeance
2005 May 2020
PACS #06-06
Player Character Pawn Collection
2012 December 2020
Heidmarch Heist
2309 September 2023
PFS 2e #05-03