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Corey Macourek

From PathfinderWiki
Corey Macourek

Freelance artist
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Corey Macourek is a freelance illustrator whose Paizo Inc. work includes several Pathfinder Flip-Mats and Pathfinder Map Packs.

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Pathfinder credits

Art credits

All cartography unless otherwise specified

Title Date Notes
Village Map Pack 05XX 2005
Graveyard Map Pack 06XX 2006
Countryside Map Pack 06XX 2006
Fortress Map Pack 06XX 2006
Haunted Mansion Map Pack 06XX 2006
Dungeon Chambers Map Pack 06XX 2006
Mountain Pass Flip-Mat 06XX 2006 Rereleased under Paizo June 2008
City Map Pack 07XX 2007
Campsites Map Pack 07XX 2007
Sewers Map Pack 07XX 2007
Temples Map Pack 07XX 2007
Inns Map Pack 07XX 2007
Tournament Map Pack 07XX 2007
Tavern Flip-Mat 07XX 2007
Ship Flip-Mat 07XX 2007
City Market Flip-Mat 07XX 2007
Ruins Map Pack 0802 February 2008
Slums Map Pack 0806 June 2008
Caverns Map Pack 0806 June 2008
River Crossing Flip-Mat 0806 June 2008
Caravan Map Pack 0808 August 2008
Woodlands Flip-Mat 0809 September 2008
Darklands Flip-Mat 0809 September 2008
Slave Pits of Absalom 0811 November 2008 PFS OGL #00-08 (uncredited)
Eye of the Crocodile King 0811 November 2008 PFS OGL #00-09 (uncredited)
Elven City Map Pack 0811 November 2008
Desert Flip-Mat 0812 December 2008
Third Riddle, TheThe Third Riddle 0901 January 2009 PFS OGL #00-11 (uncredited)
Ancient Forest Map Pack 0901 January 2009
Theater Flip-Mat 0902 February 2009
To Scale the Dragon 0903 March 2009 PFS OGL #00-16 (uncredited)
Asmodeus Mirage, TheThe Asmodeus Mirage 0903 March 2009 PFS OGL #00-15 (uncredited)
Waterfront Map Pack 0904 April 2009
Dragon's Lair Flip-Mat 0904 April 2009
Farmstead Map Pack 0905 May 2009
Waterfront Tavern Flip-Mat 0905 May 2009
Decline of Glory 0906 June 2009 PFS OGL #00-24
Hands of the Muted God 0906 June 2009 PFS OGL #00-25
Lost at Bitter End 0907 July 2009 PFS OGL #00-26
Our Lady of Silver 0907 July 2009 PFS OGL #00-27
Lyrics of Extinction 0907 July 2009 PFS OGL #00-28
Wizard's Tower Map Pack 0907 July 2009
Shipyard Rats 0908 August 2009 PFS 1e #00-29
Cassomir's Locker 0908 August 2009 PFS 1e #00-30
Sniper in the Deep 0908 August 2009 PFS 1e #00-31
Drow of the Darklands Pyramid 0908 August 2009 PFS 1e #00-32
Dungeon Flip-Mat 0908 August 2009
Town Map Pack 0909 September 2009
Assault on the Kingdom of the Impossible 0910 October 2009 PFS 1e #00-33
Encounter at the Drowning Stones 0910 October 2009 PFS 1e #00-34
Voice in the Void 0910 October 2009 PFS 1e #00-35
No Plunder, No Pay 0912 December 2009 PFS 1e #00-38 (uncredited)
Extradimensional Spaces Map Pack 0912 December 2009
Jungle Map Pack 0912 December 2009
Pathfinder Lodge Flip-Mat 0912 December 2009
Crypt of Fools 1001 January 2010 PFS 1e #00-41 (uncredited)
Bandit Outpost Flip-Mat 1002 February 2010
Lairs Map Pack 1003 March 2010
Swamp Flip-Mat 1003 March 2010
Delirium's Tangle 1004 April 2010 PFS 1e #00-45 (uncredited)
Requiem for the Red Raven 1004 April 2010 PFS 1e #00-46
Rules of the Swift, TheThe Rules of the Swift 1004 April 2010 PFS 1e #00-48 (uncredited)
Boats & Ships Map Pack 1005 May 2010
Prison Flip-Mat 1005 May 2010
Shadow Gambit, TheThe Shadow Gambit 1006 June 2010 PFS 1e #00-51
Twofold Demise, TheThe Twofold Demise 1006 June 2010 PFS 1e #00-52
Swallowed Whole Map Pack 1006 June 2010
Jester's Fraud, TheThe Jester's Fraud 1007 July 2010 PFS 1e #00-56 (uncredited)
Year of the Shadow Lodge 1008 August 2010 PFS 1e #02-00 Convention Special
Bloodcove Disguise, TheThe Bloodcove Disguise 1008 August 2010 PFS 1e #02-01
Rescue at Azlant Ridge 1008 August 2010 PFS 1e #02-02
Rebel's Ransom, TheThe Rebel's Ransom 1008 August 2010 PFS 1e #02-03
Shadows Fall on Absalom 1008 August 2010 PFS 1e #02-04
Pirate Island Flip-Mat 1008 August 2010
Red Revolution 1009 September 2010 PFS 1e #02-05
Hellscapes Map Pack 1009 September 2010
Forest Flip-Mat 1009 September 2010
Sarkorian Prophecy, TheThe Sarkorian Prophecy 1010 October 2010 PFS 1e #02-08
Fury of the Fiend 1011 November 2010 PFS 1e #02-10
City of Seven Spears 1011 November 2010 Serpent's Skull #3
Below the Silver Tarn 1012 December 2010 PFS 1e #02-12
Shops Map Pack 1012 December 2010
Murder on the Throaty Mermaid 1101 January 2011 PFS 1e #02-13
Thousand Fangs Below, TheThe Thousand Fangs Below 1101 January 2011 Serpent's Skull #5
Chasm of Screams, TheThe Chasm of Screams 1101 January 2011 PFS 1e #02-14
City Streets Flip-Mat 1101 January 2011
Village Square Flip-Mat 1101 January 2011
Written in Blood 1102 February 2011 PFS 1e #02-15
Ambush Sites Map Pack 1102 February 2011
Forbidden Furnace of Forgotten Koor, TheThe Forbidden Furnace of Forgotten Koor 1103 March 2011 PFS 1e #02-18
Dungeon Sites Map Pack 1103 March 2011
Keep of the Huscarl King 1104 April 2011 PFS 1e #02-19
Wrath of the Accursed 1104 April 2011 PFS 1e #02-20 (uncredited)
Necropolis Flip-Mat 1104 April 2011
Dalsine Affair, TheThe Dalsine Affair 1105 May 2011 PFS 1e #02-21
Crypts Map Pack 1105 May 2011
Academy of Secrets 1106 June 2011
Web of Corruption 1106 June 2011 PFS 1e #02-24
You Only Die Twice 1106 June 2011 PFS 1e #02-25
Mantis's Prey, TheThe Mantis's Prey 1106 June 2011 PFS 1e #02-26
In Service to Lore 1107 July 2011 PFS 1e Intro #1 (uncredited)
Vision of Betrayal, AA Vision of Betrayal 1107 July 2011 PFS 1e Intro #3
Magic Academy Map Pack 1107 July 2011
Jade Regent Player's Guide 1107 July 2011
Shrines Map Pack 1107 July 2011
Ultimate Combat 1108 August 2011 Interior art
Blood Under Absalom 1108 August 2011 PFS 1e #03-00 Convention Special
Frostfur Captives, TheThe Frostfur Captives 1108 August 2011 PFS 1e #03-01
Sewer Dragons of Absalom 1108 August 2011 PFS 1e #03-02
Kortos Envoy, TheThe Kortos Envoy 1108 August 2011 PFS 1e #03-04
Tide of Twilight 1109 September 2011 PFS 1e #03-05
Song of the Sea Witch 1109 September 2011 PFS 1e #03-06
Echoes of the Overwatched 1111 November 2011 PFS 1e #03-07
Among the Gods 1111 November 2011 PFS 1e #03-08
Beginner Box Bash Demos 1 1112 December 2011
On Hostile Waters 1112 December 2011 PFS 1e #03-11
Dog Pharaoh's Tomb, TheThe Dog Pharaoh's Tomb 1112 December 2011 PFS 1e #03-12
Defenders of Nesting Swallow 1201 January 2012 PFS 1e #03-13
Midnight Mauler, TheThe Midnight Mauler 1202 February 2012 PFS 1e #03-16
Red Harvest 1203 March 2012 PFS 1e #03-17
Cyphermage Dilemma, TheThe Cyphermage Dilemma 1203 March 2012 PFS 1e #03-EX Exclusive
God's Market Gamble, TheThe God's Market Gamble 1203 March 2012 PFS 1e #03-18
Sundered Path, TheThe Sundered Path 1205 May 2012 PFS 1e #03-20
Ambush in Absalom 1206 June 2012 PFS 1e Quest #1
Goblinblood Dead, TheThe Goblinblood Dead 1207 July 2012 PFS 1e #03-23
Storming the Diamond Gate 1207 July 2012 PFS 1e #03-25
Portal of the Sacred Rune 1207 July 2012 PFS 1e #03-26
Race for the Runecarved Key 1208 August 2012 PFS 1e #04-00 Convention Special
Golemworks Incident, TheThe Golemworks Incident 1208 August 2012 PFS 1e #04-03
Sanos Abduction, TheThe Sanos Abduction 1209 September 2012 PFS 1e #04-05
Severing Ties 1210 October 2012 PFS 1e #04-07
Cultist's Kiss, TheThe Cultist's Kiss 1210 October 2012 PFS 1e #04-08
Blakros Matrimony, TheThe Blakros Matrimony 1211 November 2012 PFS 1e #04-09
My Enemy's Enemy 1302 February 2013 PFS 1e #04-14
Fabric of Reality, TheThe Fabric of Reality 1302 February 2013 PFS 1e #04-16
Tower of the Ironwood Watch 1303 March 2013 PFS 1e #04-17
Night March of Kalkamedes, TheThe Night March of Kalkamedes 1304 April 2013 PFS 1e #04-19
Secrets Stones Keep, TheThe Secrets Stones Keep 1307 July 2013 PFS 1e #04-25 (uncredited)
Waking Rune, TheThe Waking Rune 1307 July 2013 PFS 1e #04-26 (uncredited)
Glass River Rescue, TheThe Glass River Rescue 1308 August 2013 PFS 1e #05-01 (uncredited)
Elven Entanglement, TheThe Elven Entanglement 1309 September 2013 PFS 1e #05-05
You Have What You Hold 1310 October 2013 PFS 1e #05-06 (uncredited)
Confirmation, TheThe Confirmation 1311 November 2013 PFS 1e #05-08
Traitor's Lodge, TheThe Traitor's Lodge 1311 November 2013 PFS 1e #05-09
Where Mammoths Dare Not Tread 1312 December 2013 PFS 1e #05-10
Library of the Lion 1312 December 2013 PFS 1e #05-11
Bitter Bargain, AA Bitter Bargain 1401 January 2014 PFS 1e #05-12 (uncredited)
Race to Seeker's Folly 1402 February 2014 PFS 1e #05-15
Sanctum of the Sages 1403 March 2014 PFS 1e #05-16 (uncredited)
Fate of the Fiend 1403 March 2014 PFS 1e #05-17 (uncredited)
Sealed Gate, TheThe Sealed Gate 1405 May 2014 PFS 1e #05-20 (uncredited)
Merchant's Wake, TheThe Merchant's Wake 1405 May 2014 PFS 1e #05-21 (uncredited)
Scars of the Third Crusade 1407 July 2014 PFS 1e #05-22 (uncredited)
Paths We Choose, TheThe Paths We Choose 1408 August 2014 PFS 1e #06-00 (uncredited)
Legacy of the Stonelords 1408 August 2014 PFS 1e #06-EX
Technic Siege, TheThe Technic Siege 1408 August 2014 PFS 1e #06-03 (uncredited)
Slave Ships of Absalom 1409 September 2014 PFS 1e #06-05
Hall of the Flesh Eaters 1410 October 2014 PFS 1e #06-06
Segang Expedition, TheThe Segang Expedition 1411 November 2014 PFS 1e #06-08
By Way of Bloodcove 1411 November 2014 PFS 1e #06-09 (uncredited)
Wounded Wisp, TheThe Wounded Wisp 1412 December 2014 PFS 1e #06-10
On Sharrowsmith's Trail 1501 January 2015 PFS 1e #06-12
Kaava Quarry 1502 February 2015 PFS 1e #06-14
From Under Ice 1504 April 2015 PFS 1e #06-18 (uncredited)
Tapestry's Toil 1505 May 2015 PFS 1e #06-21
Siege of Serpents 1505 May 2015 PFS 1e #06-97 (uncredited)
Serpent's Rise 1505 May 2015 PFS 1e #06-98 (uncredited)
Woods"Woods" 1505 May 2015 Beginner Box Bash Demos 2.
Out of Anarchy 1506 June 2015 PFS 1e #06-22
Darkest Abduction, TheThe Darkest Abduction 1506 June 2015 PFS 1e #06-23
Ship Flip-Mat Classics 1506 June 2015
Six Seconds to Midnight 1507 July 2015 PFS 1e #07-02
Bronze House Reprisal, TheThe Bronze House Reprisal 1507 July 2015 PFS 1e #07-03
School of Spirits 1508 August 2015 PFS 1e #07-05
Phantom Phenomena 1508 August 2015 PFS 1e Quest #4
Village Square Flip-Mat Classics 1508 August 2015
Lost Legacy, TheThe Lost Legacy 1509 September 2015 PFS 1e #07-06 (uncredited)
Swamp Flip-Mat Classics 1509 September 2015
Prison Flip-Mat Classics 1509 September 2015
Forest Flip-Mat Classics 1509 September 2015
City Streets Flip-Mat Classics 1509 September 2015
Blakros Connection, TheThe Blakros Connection 1510 October 2015 PFS 1e #07-09 (uncredited)
Dungeon Flip-Mat Classics 1510 October 2015
Trouble in Tamran 1509 September 2015 PFS 1e #07-07
First Taste of Eternity 1604 April 2016 PFS 1e #07-20
Sun Orchid Scheme, TheThe Sun Orchid Scheme 1604 April 2016 PFS 1e #07-21
River Crossing Flip-Mat Classics 1604 April 2016
Ageless Ambitions 1607 July 2016 PFS 1e #07-28
Cosmic Captive, TheThe Cosmic Captive 1607 July 2016 PFS 1e #08-00 (uncredited)
Through Maelstrom Rift 1608 August 2016 PFS 1e #07-99 Convention Special
Honor's Echo 1608 August 2016 PFS 1e Quest #5
Waterfront Tavern Flip-Mat Classics 1608 August 2016
Ungrounded but Unbroken 1610 October 2016 PFS 1e #08-05
Reaping What We Sow 1610 October 2016 PFS 1e #08-06
Cindersworn Pact, TheThe Cindersworn Pact 1611 November 2016 PFS 1e #08-09
Secrets of the Endless Sky 1612 December 2016 PFS 1e #08-10
To Seal the Shadow 1702 February 2017 PFS 1e #08-14
House of Harmonious Wisdom 1703 March 2017 PFS 1e #08-16
Blazing Dangerous Trails 1704 April 2017 PFS 1e #08-18
Agents of the Eye 1705 May 2017 PFS 1e #08-21
Assault on Absalom 1708 August 2017 PFS 1e #09-00 Convention Special
Case of Missing Persons, AA Case of Missing Persons 1708 August 2017 PFS 1e #09-02
Call of the Copper Gate 1709 September 2017 PFS 1e #09-05
Signs in Senghor 1712 December 2017 PFS 1e #09-10
Shrine of the Sacred Tempest 1801 January 2018 PFS 1e #09-12
Bloodcove Blockade, TheThe Bloodcove Blockade 1802 February 2018 PFS 1e #09-15
Fallen Family, Broken Name 1803 March 2018 PFS 1e #09-16
Clash in Kaimuko Wood 1804 April 2018 PFS 1e #09-19
Darklands Flip-Mat Classics 1804 April 2018
Solstice Scar C, TheThe Solstice Scar Version C 1805 May 2018 PFS 1e #08-99C
Grotto of the Deluged God 1806 June 2018 PFS 1e #09-22
Hao Jin Cataclysm, TheThe Hao Jin Cataclysm 1808 August 2018 PFS 1e #10-00 Convention Special
Rose Street Revenge, TheThe Rose Street Revenge 1808 August 2018 PFS Playtest #1
Raiders of Shrieking Peak 1808 August 2018 PFS Playtest #2
Desert Flip-Mat Classics 1809 September 2018
Howling Dance, TheThe Howling Dance 1810 October 2018 PFS 1e #10-07 (uncredited)
What Prestige is Worth 1811 November 2018 PFS 1e #10-08
Rasping Rebirth, TheThe Rasping Rebirth 1811 November 2018 PFS 1e #10-09
Hao Jin Hierophant, TheThe Hao Jin Hierophant 1812 December 2018 PFS 1e #10-11
Fragments of Antiquity 1901 January 2019 PFS 1e #10-13
Solstice Scar D, TheThe Solstice Scar Version D 1902 February 2019 PFS 1e #08-99D
Debt to the Quah 1902 February 2019 PFS 1e #10-14
Tapestry's Trial 1902 February 2019 PFS 1e #10-15
On Sevenfingers's Sails 1903 March 2019 PFS 1e #10-17
Corpses in Kalsgard 1904 April 2019 PFS 1e #10-19 (uncredited)
Siege of Gallowspire 1905 May 2019 PFS 1e #10-98 Convention Special
Who Wears the Mask 1906 June 2019 PFS 1e #10-22
Dragon's Lair Flip-Mat Classics 1906 June 2019
Who Speaks for the Ten 1908 August 2019 PFS 1e #10-23
Absalom Initiation, TheThe Absalom Initiation 1908 August 2019 PFS 2e #01-01
Lost on the Spirit Road 1910 October 2019 PFS 2e #01-06
Star-Crossed Voyages 1911 November 2019 PFS 2e #01-09
Devil at the Crossroads 2001 January 2020 PFS 2e #01-13
Lions of Katapesh 2002 February 2020 PFS 2e #01-14
Thorned Monarch, TheThe Thorned Monarch 2003 March 2020 PFS 2e #01-17
Mistress of the Maze 2005 May 2020 PFS 2e #01-21
Bandit Outpost Flip-Mat Classics 2005 May 2020
Lightning Strikes, Stars Fall 2007 July 2020 PFS 2e #01-24 (uncredited)
Mountain of Sea and Sky 2008 August 2020 PFS 2e #02-02 (uncredited)
Pathfinder Trials, TheThe Pathfinder Trials 2101 January 2021 PFS 2e #02-11 (uncredited)
Gilded Test, AA Gilded Test 2102 February 2021 PFS 2e #02-13
Lost Maid of Anactoria 2104 April 2021 PFS 2e #02-17 (uncredited)
Fanciful March of Urwal, TheThe Fanciful March of Urwal 2104 April 2021 PFS 2e #02-18 (uncredited)
In Pursuit of Water 2106 June 2021 PFS 2e #02-21 (uncredited)
Agent's Obligation, AnAn Agent's Obligation 2107 July 2021 PFS 2e #02-23 (uncredited)
Second Confirmation, TheThe Second Confirmation 2108 August 2021 PFS 2e Intro #1 (uncredited)
Fate in the Future 2108 August 2021 PFS 2e #03-99 convention special
Guardian's Covenant 2204 April 2022 PFS 2e #03-13
Pathfinder Lodge Flip-Mat Classics 2204 April 2022
Escape from Oppara 2206 June 2022 PFS 2e #3-16
Dacilane Academy's Delightful Disaster 2207 July 2022 PFS 2e #03-18
Theater Flip-Mat Classics 2207 July 2022
Pirate Island Flip-Mat Classics 2210 October 2022
Swordlord's Challenge, TheThe Swordlord's Challenge 2304 April 2023 PFS 2e Quest #14
Negotiations for the Star Gun 2304 April 2023 PFS 2e #04-12
Shattering Golden Chains 2305 May 2023 PFS 2e #04-14
Dacilane Academy's First Great Prank War 2307 July 2023 PFS 2e #04-16
Trapping the Hag's Claw 2308 August 2023 PFS 2e #04-17
Blessings of the Forest 2308 August 2023 PFS #04-99
Necessary Introductions 2309 September 2023 PFS 2e #05-04
Sewer Dragon Crisis 2311 November 2023 PFS 2e #05-07 (uncredited)
Poisonous Council 2404 April 2024 PFS 2e #05-14
Cleansing the Flame 2404 April 2024 PFS 2e #05-15
Tapestry of the Mind 2406 June 2024 PFS 2e #05-18
See also: Category:Artwork by Corey Macourek


See also: Category:Artwork by Corey Macourek