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Davi Blight

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Davi Blight

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Davi Blight is a freelance artist who has contributed to Paizo Inc.

Pathfinder credits

Art credits

Title Date Notes
Distant Shores 1511 November 2015
Dance of the Damned 1511 November 2015 Hell's Rebels #3
Breaking the Bones of Hell 1601 January 2016 Hell's Rebels #6
Wrath of Thrune 1603 March 2016 Hell's Vengeance #2
Inferno Gate, TheThe Inferno Gate 1604 April 2016 Hell's Vengeance #3
For Queen & Empire 1605 May 2016 Hell's Vengeance #4
Scourge of the Godclaw 1606 June 2016 Hell's Vengeance #5
Hell's Vengeance Pawn Collection 1611 November 2016
What Sleeps in Stone 1701 January 2017 PFS 1e #08-13
Planar Adventures 1806 June 2018
See also: Category:Artwork by Davi Blight