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Ryan Portillo

From PathfinderWiki
Ryan Portillo

United States
Freelance artist
Writing set.png

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Ryan Portillo is a freelance artist who has contributed to Paizo Inc.

Title Date Notes
The Haunting of Harrowstone 1103 March 2011 Carrion Crown #1
Tomb of the Iron Medusa 1104 April 2011
Rival Guide 1105 May 2011
Wake of the Watcher 1106 June 2011 Carrion Crown #4
Web of Corruption 1106 June 2011 PFS 1e #02-24
Ashes at Dawn 1107 July 2011 Carrion Crown #5
Pathfinder Society Field Guide 1107 July 2011
In Service to Lore 1107 July 2011 PFS 1e Intro #1
To Delve the Dungeon Deep 1107 July 2011 PFS 1e Intro #2
Shadows of Gallowspire 1108 August 2011 Carrion Crown #6
Song of the Sea Witch 1109 September 2011 PFS 1e #03-06
The Immortal Conundrum 1111 November 2011 PFS 1e #03-10
Bestiary 3 1112 December 2011
On Hostile Waters 1112 December 2011 PFS 1e #03-11
Red Harvest 1203 March 2012 PFS 1e #03-17
God's Market Gamble, TheThe God's Market Gamble 1203 March 2012 PFS 1e #03-18
Goblinblood Dead, TheThe Goblinblood Dead 1207 July 2012 PFS 1e #03-23
Golden Serpent, TheThe Golden Serpent 1207 July 2012 PFS 1e #03-26
Blakros Matrimony, TheThe Blakros Matrimony 1211 November 2012 PFS 1e #04-09
Feast of Sigils 1211 November 2012 PFS 1e #04-10
Irrisen, Land of Eternal Winter 1301 January 2013
Reign of Winter Player's Guide 1302 February 2013
Snows of Summer, TheThe Snows of Summer 1302 February 2013 Reign of Winter #1
Dragon's Demand, TheThe Dragon's Demand 1307 July 2013
Rise of the Runelords Base Set 1308 August 2013 Card art
Stolen Heir, TheThe Stolen Heir 1309 September 2013 PFS 1e #05-04
Bitter Bargain, AA Bitter Bargain 1401 January 2014 PFS 1e #05-12
Weapon in the Rift 1401 January 2014 PFS 1e #05-13
Bestiary 3 Box 1401 January 2014
Tears at Bitter Manor 1403 March 2014
Inner Sea Combat 1405 May 2014
Numeria, Land of Fallen Stars 1406 June 2014
Paths We Choose, TheThe Paths We Choose 1408 August 2014 PFS 1e #06-00 cover art (uncredited)
Of Kirin and Kraken 1501 January 2015 PFS 1e #06-13
Belkzen, Hold of the Orc Hordes 1502 February 2015
Overflow Archives, TheThe Overflow Archives 1502 February 2015 PFS 1e #06-15
School of Spirits 1508 August 2015 PFS 1e #07-05
Trouble in Tamran 1509 September 2015 PFS 1e #07-07
Bestiary 5 1511 November 2015
Captive in Crystal 1512 December 2015 PFS 1e #07-13
Let Bygones Be 1601 January 2016 PFS 1e #07-14
Deepmarket Deception, TheThe Deepmarket Deception 1601 January 2016 PFS 1e #07-15
Thralls of the Shattered God 1602 February 2016 PFS 1e #07-17
Hell's Rebels Adventure Path Pawn Collection 1602 February 2016
Infernal Inheritance, TheThe Infernal Inheritance 1603 March 2016 PFS 1e #07-18
First Taste of Eternity 1604 April 2016 PFS 1e #07-20
Sun Orchid Scheme, TheThe Sun Orchid Scheme 1604 April 2016 PFS 1e #07-21
Bid for Alabastrine 1605 May 2016 PFS 1e #07-22
Ageless Ambitions 1607 July 2016 PFS 1e #07-28
Serpents Fall 1607 July 2016 PFS 1e #07-29
Adventurer's Guide 1705 May 2017
Relic in the Wastes 1803 March 2018 PACGS #04-04
Pactmaster's Bargain, TheThe Pactmaster's Bargain 1804 April 2018 PACGS #04-05
See also: Category:Artwork by Ryan Portillo


See also: Category:Artwork by Ryan Portillo